Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

1-29-08 ENMU Briefs

Faculty / Alumni

• Gene Smith, College of Business, had an article titled “CPAs-Close the Loopholes on Continuing Education” published in the December 2007 edition of the Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning.

• A monograph titled Counseling and Disabilities: Needed Counseling Concerns Relative to Educational Psychology and Special Education that was written by Michael F. Shaughnessy and Mary Kallus of ENMU, Dan Greathouse of the Portales Schools, Jennella Crouch, Effie Laman, (former ENMU graduate students) Marilyn Haight, Susan Walsh Veronikas, of Texas Tech and Stephanie Raitt and Judy Madewell of the University of New Mexico has been published by Nova Sciences as a separate monograph. The paper had appeared in a previous text, and is now available through Nova Sciences.

• ENMU graduate Matt Barreto was recently interviewed on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees following a presidential debate.

• Moriarty native Diego Espinoza has joined the Heather Wilson for Senate campaign team. Espinoza grew up in Moriarty and received a bachelors degree in education from Eastern. While a student, he was appointed to the ENMU Board of Regents to fill a vacated Republican position. He served Wilson in community outreach in 2007 before moving to the Senate campaign late last year. Espinoza will serve as Field Representative for Southern New Mexico.

• Michael F. Shaughnessy and Robin Wells have an article appearing in the next issue of Gifted Education International.

• William Andrew Richard (Dick) Widner, 86, professor emeritus of biology at Baylor University and a 1942 ENMU grad, died Jan. 16 in Houston.