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Articles written by curtis shelburne

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  • Faith: Even good things end, and God knows when time has come

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Oct 25, 2022

    “When the time had fully come, God sent his Son” — Galatians 4:4 Ten words in English. Thirteen in Greek. Packed full of enough wonder to fill the universe. I’m baffled by even the first phrase, and that’s the easier part. A quick Internet search for “discerning the times” (it has a religious/biblical connotation) turned up a few good articles on plotting a wise course in our lives and culture. I should also report that the majority of articles the search brought up di...

  • Faith: Most Americans don't take enough time off

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Oct 18, 2022

    Americans, in general, are rotten at taking time off. For decades, the statistics have been pretty clear about that. Factor in the “Great Resignation” of the last couple of years, stupid (and ultimately cruel) government programs that pay folks more to stay home than to work, and “quiet quitting” (bad, I think, if you’re defrauding your employer; good, I think, if you’re establishing some boundaries employers should have to respect) ... Factor all of this in, and, in general,...

  • Faith: God our guide when we're 'fish out of water'

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Oct 11, 2022

    A fish out of water. It’s rather amazing how easy it is to be one of those finny creatures. We’re not talking here about lip injections and a person (I’m avoiding sexism here) who paid good money to look like a largemouth bass. What I’m talking about is being “out of your element.” That happens to all of us from time to time, maybe right where we live and right where we’re sitting. You get called on to do something way out of your usual area of expertise or routine. You...

  • Faith: Fulfilling and faithful to live and die with the Lord

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Oct 4, 2022

    It was in winter, the Apostle John writes (John 10), “at the time of Hanukkah,” when Jesus was at Jerusalem and in the Temple. “Surrounded” by some really religious folks who demanded that he tell them “plainly” whether or not he was the Messiah, he did. Well, what he really said was, “I’ve already told you, and you didn’t believe me.” But he went on to say some amazing things that all lead to one answer: Yes. One thing you’ve gotta give Jesus’ detractors here is that...

  • Faith: Thank God for the scribes of the Bible

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Sep 27, 2022

    At our church, we recently replaced two old computers. It was time, and it needed to be done, but, as much as I enjoy playing with new technology and was looking forward to being able to boot up a computer without having time to go get coffee while it started, I was dreading the process. What you’re looking for when you do this is, of course, more productivity. What you know, if you’ve ever done it before, is that the new productivity will likely come, but the change will ent...

  • Faith: 'In the year that Queen Elizabeth II died ...'

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Sep 20, 2022

    Tomorrow, as I’m writing, the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II will be held at Westminster Abbey. (My invitation seems to have been lost in the mail.) Seventy years and 214 days. According to Wikipedia, her reign is “the longest of any British monarch, the longest recorded of any female head of state in history, and the second-longest verified reign of any monarch in history.” In Isaiah 6, when the prophet Isaiah wants to tell his readers when his amazing vision and his divin...

  • Faith: Important to know when you're right, but wrong

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Sep 13, 2022

    Knowing right from wrong is important; knowing when we’re right but wrong is a fruit of deeper wisdom. It is, you see, frighteningly easy to be “correct” on an issue but to be very wrong indeed in attitude and thus inflict damage on our own souls and collateral damage on the souls around us. Being “right” and being “good” are not necessarily the same things, but I like very much the words of the little girl who is purported to have prayed, “Oh, Lord, please make the bad people...

  • Faith: Why are these water-logged disciples afraid?

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Sep 6, 2022

    The Son of God. Utterly exhausted. Mind-boggling. And directly tied to the most amazing truth in the universe. God is not an impersonal “force.” He is not a Creator who creates, sets in motion, and backs away. In the Grand Miracle, as C. S. Lewis has called the Incarnation, God sends his “only begotten Son” into this fallen world. A virgin’s womb. A manger. A divine rescue. Jesus Christ will teach and heal and show us the Father as only the Son could. One amazing day, he w...

  • Faith: Genuinely love God with proper 'dish-washing'

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Aug 30, 2022

    Be not deceived! Proper dish-washing matters. At least, Jesus seemed to think so. In Matthew 23, he scalds the “religious leaders and Pharisees” for their hypocrisy: “You are frauds who scrupulously clean the outside of your cups and make them shine while the inside is full of mold and maggots. You love to look outwardly religious, the most pious of the pious, but your souls are full of greed, rapacity, dishonesty, and extortion.” Earlier in the same chapter, Jesus warns h...

  • Faith: World renewed by God's gift of rain

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Aug 23, 2022

    Where I live, it never rains. In the past it did, at least, a little bit. As the old joke used to go, “Our annual rainfall is about 17 inches. You should be here on the day we get it.” But a few years ago, it pretty much quit. Raining, I mean. Water droplets in the air were never very plentiful here, and wind and dirt have long been far too readily available. When rain chances are near zero, the chance for wind and dirt, accompanied by rodents, chihuahuas, and small chi...

  • Faith: Consorting with skunks carries consequences

    Curtis Shelburne, Local columnist|Updated Aug 16, 2022

    We ran over a skunk the other night. My wife, her former judicial honor who still wields authority in my direction even if she is no longer officially invested with such, would say, “What’s with the ‘we,’ Bucko? You did that, not me.” Well, she was in the car. Yes, I was driving. But I maintain that since the beast was in the middle of the lane, the middle of my lane, as he waddled across the road, the only proper course for the captain of any automotive ship was to take him...

  • Faith: Blessed and honored to be friends with kind, gracious people

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Aug 9, 2022

    If all of our eggs are in this earthly “basket,” how sad. I find myself thinking of the Apostle Paul’s words written, of course, specifically to Christians: “If for this life only we have hope, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (1 Corinthians 15:19) No pity needed this morning. But I must admit that I’ve lost faith. I’ve lost faith in those who have enough blind faith to claim to believe in nothing and esteem their own blindness as some sort of tragic courage. Fashionab...

  • Faith: I love to sing for the joy of God

    Curtis Shelburne, Local columnist|Updated Aug 2, 2022

    If you know me, you know that I like to sing. I’ll sing when nobody’s listening. I’ll sing when 12 people are listening. I’ll sing when 612 are listening. Give me half a chance, and I will sing. I’ve sung all of my life. It was not unusual for our family to sing together at home. (I know. Too often, families today can hardly imagine ever being at home. And singing at home? “Are you kidding? Did you grow up on Mars?”) We really did. Not the Mars part. The singing part. I also...

  • Faith: God is the ultimate authority on immortality

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jul 26, 2022

    As a serious lover of coffee, and as a mortal, I read the headline with interest: “People With Daily Intake Of 1.5 to 3.5 Cups Of Coffee Less Likely To Die.” I find this headline problematic on several levels. First, it’s lousy capitalization. No matter which style manual you use, this title has problems. But you see the bigger problem, don’t you? I suspect that your experience is the same as mine, and I’m telling no secrets here. But, in my experience, though I find coff...

  • Faith: Best to remember all earthly wealth belongs to God

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jul 19, 2022

    If a cup of coffee on the patio on a nice morning won’t bring you joy, neither will owning a yacht. Or something like that. I don’t remember the exact quote. I recently read it somewhere. Don’t recall where. But it seems that someone was interviewing some very wealthy people about happiness and how to find it. And that’s when one of the incredibly rich folks made this incredibly wise statement. Of course, Jesus said it a long time ago: “Take care! Protect yourself from the...

  • Faith: Pick your own figures that make you think, thank, laugh

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jul 12, 2022

    Usually when a public figure of some sort declares that the latest election or Supreme Court decision was “the last straw,” and they’re seriously considering depriving the United States of their presence and moving to, say, Qatar or Monaco or an island in French Polynesia (Rwanda or Iran rarely make the list), I’m tempted to send them a note and offer to help pay for airfare. I figure we could muddle by without them. But the much more permanent departure of a few of my favo...

  • Faith: God doesn't need two-factor authentication

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jul 5, 2022

    I guess I’m safe. On my computer, I mean. My passwords for my online accounts are so strong that I can’t even get into half of my own accounts more than half of the time. And it takes so much time. You need “two-factor authentication,” the computer security experts say. What that means is that even if I manage to remember my password, I still have to go to my mobile phone to get the code that they send, or, for Google, head over to YouTube and tell them, “Yes, I would ver...

  • Faith: Best to keep our eyes on 'the good'

    Curtis Shelburne, Local columnist|Updated Jun 29, 2022

    Large letters on a big billboard read “See The Good.” White words on a black background. Caps and lower case, just as rendered here. I don’t know who paid for the billboard ad. It’s possible there was some fine print at the bottom claiming responsibility or enlarging a bit on the three-word admonition, but I drove by too fast to notice any. “See The Good.” Almost immediately, I saw the bad. Or, at least, the wrong. Maybe you did, too. I think they messed up by capitalizin...

  • Faith: We all have a Father who could not possibly love us more

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jun 21, 2022

    I’m writing this on Father’s Day. About an hour from now, it will be the day after Father’s Day. But I will never have a day when I don’t think about my father. I’ve never lived a single second of any day having to wonder if he loved me. My father was the best man I have ever known, and I’ve known some incredible men. I don’t say that with arrogance. I’m obviously stating the obvious when I ask, who has any say in whom his or her father will be? Or, for that matter, whether...

  • Faith: Finding it's hard to gripe and give thanks at the same time

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jun 14, 2022

    I feel like I’m writing this particular column about five months early. It’s the kind of thing that I’d normally center on just before Thanksgiving. As I write, it is not Thanksgiving. It is not November. It is mid-June. We’ve not even reached the summer solstice yet. This year, that astronomic event officially occurs at 3:14 a.m. Tuesday (MDT). Set an alarm on your phone. But it certainly feels like summer. We hit 108 degrees a day ago. The plants in my yard were droopin...

  • Faith: 'Summer session' big part of June in my childhood

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated Jun 7, 2022

    Every year during the second week of June or so, I start feeling an almost instinctive urge to head south. At first, this might seem surprising to anyone who knows me. It surprises me, too. I’m not usually particularly interested in heading south. Let me explain. I was born, and plan to live and die, a Texan. This does not mean that I’m blind to the assets and blessings of other states. I find myself longing right now, for example, for some time in the mountains of New Mex...

  • Faith: On my knees on behalf of those we've lost

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated May 31, 2022

    I’d promised myself not to write this particular column. But it’s a promise I found that I could not keep. Like anyone who has a heart and who has heard of the murders at the school in Uvalde, Texas, my heart is breaking. That kind of evil takes our breath away. Of course, the national media seem to have plenty of breath, plenty of bandwidth, and plenty of ink available. And, of course, they have to report it. But I’m not convinced that wallowing in it is necessary. Many...

  • Faith: A few thoughts about Allen - you'd have liked him

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated May 24, 2022

    In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, a chapter utterly amazing from its very first verse, we have, among much else, the story of Christ’s calling of his first disciples (apostles). Two of them did some of the greatest work of their lives right then. Andrew went and told his brother Peter about Jesus and, literally, brought him to Christ, saying, “We have found the Messiah!” And when Jesus, on the next day, himself calls Philip (who was, like Andrew and Peter, from...

  • Faith: 'Having enough' can be done by 'desiring less'

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated May 17, 2022

    “There are two ways to get enough,” writes G.K. Chesterton. “One is to continue to accumulate more and more; the other is to desire less.” If you look in my garage, you’ll quickly see that I flew past “enough” a good while back. It looks like a poorly arranged department store. I’ve got sections for automotive, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and lawn care. I’ve got a special section for stained glass and art glass supplies, a section for sports and leisure, and a fe...

  • Faith: 'There is a time for everything,' even reading

    Curtis Shelburne, Religion columnist|Updated May 10, 2022

    For a long time, I’ve found the study of time — specifically, how we perceive its passing, and how it’s connected to our biological and circadian rhythms — fascinating. Research rolls on, but it’s quite clear that, whether you’re a morning person, night person, or anywhere in between — a lark, an owl, a “third bird,” of whatever — your preference is not just your preference. It’s far more hard-wired biologically than we’d ever dreamed before this subject was seriously s...

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