Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Articles written by helena rodriguez

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  • Helena: I don't believe in scary ghosts

    Helena Rodriguez

    Opinion I don't believe in spooks, at least not in the way ghosts are shown in movies as evil, supernatural beings out to get you. Maybe they just want us to know we’re not alone, or to not forget them. Unexplainable things happen and, sometimes, that just may include unexplainable encounters with the unknown. Helena Rodriguez I was getting ready for work recently. I was the only one awake at the time, lost in my thoughts, thinking about the day ahead, when I was startled b...

  • Rodriguez: Price of cheap gas too high

    Helena Rodriguez

    Opinion When I was in high school, Dad would give us money to go buy him cigarettes. Of course we needed gas in the green van to buy those cigarettes. And we couldn’t buy cigarettes without cruising “The Drag.” And then, of course, we’d need a soda. This sounds kind of like the children’s book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” In the early 1980s, it was like, “If you give a teen a dollar.” That’s all it took. Just a dollar or two of gas for us to cruise around “The Drag” i...

  • Opinion: Price of cheap gasoline too high

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist When I was in high school, Dad would give us money to go buy him cigarettes. Of course we needed gas in the green van to buy those cigarettes. And we couldn’t buy cigarettes without cruising “The Drag.” And then, of course, we’d need a soda. This sounds kind of like the children’s book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” In the early 1980s, it was like, “If you give a teen a dollar.” That’s all it took. Just a dollar or two of gas for us to cruise around “The Drag” in Portales and cruise around Lindsey Park in...

  • Rodriguez: Teach kids value of service

    Helena Rodriguez

    Opinion We need to teach our children, that, although they may mean the world to us, the world doesn’t revolve around them. My thoughts when my daughter Laura showed me an adorable outfit that read, “Crown me.” Laura is an outstanding mom of the year to my grandbabies, Gena, 2, and Giovanni, 5. She had a great teacher. Just kidding. But seriously, I meant this with tough love from a grandma who doesn’t buy into the “but grandma said I could” mentality. Helena Rodriguez A...

  • Opinion: Service part of being royalty

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist We need to teach our children, that, although they may mean the world to us, the world doesn’t revolve around them. My thoughts when my daughter Laura showed me an adorable outfit that read, “Crown me.” Laura is an outstanding mom of the year to my grandbabies, Gena, 2, and Giovanni, 5. She had a great teacher. Just kidding. But seriously, I meant this with tough love from a grandma who doesn’t buy into the “but grandma said I could” mentality. As a child, when Grandma Emma came to our house, she made us ref...

  • Opinion: Goliath now a snowstorm story

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist I’m thinking there just may be a baby boom in September, following last month’s Goliath snow storm. People cooped up in their homes for days, forced to talk to each other. Cook. Eat. Sleep. And … surf. On second thought, maybe not. Some people lost power during the Polar Express storm we received over the High Plains between Christmas and New Year’s. Many of us lost pizza and even mail and newspaper delivery service. That was roughing it. But one thing I noticed we didn’t lose — our sanity not being one o...

  • Rodriguez: Blame it on social media

    Helena Rodriguez

    Opinion I’m thinking there just may be a baby boom in September, following last month’s Goliath snow storm. People cooped up in their homes for days, forced to talk to each other. Cook. Eat. Sleep. And … surf. On second thought, maybe not. Helena Rodriguez Some people lost power during the Polar Express storm we received over the High Plains between Christmas and New Year’s. Many of us lost pizza and even mail and newspaper delivery service. That was roughing it. But one thi...

  • Opinion: Christmas not over 'til arrival of three kings

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist To have an epiphany is to have an “a-ha” moment. The light suddenly lights up. But what about the real Epiphany? That would be today. Jan. 6. Happy Epiphany. Feliz Dia de Los Reyes. Epiphany is a “hallelujah” or “glory to God in the highest” moment. It is the epiphany of all epiphanies. It is the night the star shone the brightest. I don't know about you, but just like the opera isn't over until the fat lady sings, Christmas is not over until the arrival of the three kings. And today, Christians worldwide cele...

  • Rodriguez: I'm making my own list and checking it twice

    Helena Rodriguez

    We’re about to reach our sweet 16. It seems like just yesterday, or was it three years ago, that the world was about to end. Hello 2016. It’s only days away. Let’s light 16 candles. With another year comes new resolutions, or perhaps anti-resolutions. It’s far too easy to say “I’m not going to make any New Year’s resolutions this year because I’ll just break them.” That is a recipe for defeat. There’s no law that says New Year’s resolutions expire in 30 days. Heck, maybe I’ll...

  • Rodriguez: Keep Christ in Christmas

    Helena Rodriguez

    Easter isn’t about bunnies, just like Christmas isn’t about elves, not even elves on the shelves. But it’s not Santa Claus who is coming. Jesus is coming. That’s what Christmas is about. It’s not about little red cups. It’s not about “Happy Holidays,” “Merry X-Mas” or “Winter Fests.” It’s funny how our secularized world wants to leave Christ out of Christmas and yet they rely on the commercialized form of “the most wonderful time of the year” to make a profit. However, peopl...

  • Keep Christ in Christmas

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist Easter isn’t about bunnies, just like Christmas isn’t about elves, not even elves on the shelves. But it’s not Santa Claus who is coming. Jesus is coming. That’s what Christmas is about. It’s not about little red cups. It’s not about “Happy Holidays,” “Merry X-Mas” or “Winter Fests.” It’s funny how our secularized world wants to leave Christ out of Christmas and yet they rely on the commercialized form of “the most wonderful time of the year” to make a profit. However, people wouldn’t be shelling out buck...

  • Sometimes words are actions

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist Do actions speak louder than words? Sometimes it takes words to ignite action. Otherwise, how will people know what we want? How will they know when we had enough? And how will God know when we can’t do it alone? Well, here’s a news flash. God isn’t fixing this. That’s according to the Dec. 3 issue of the New York Daily News. Now let me back up. God isn’t fixing what? According to who? According to the Politically Correct who say words can hurt and yet words are ineffective when it comes to doing good? The...

  • Rodriguez: Prayer, action, God can fix this

    Helena Rodriguez

    Do actions speak louder than words? Sometimes it takes words to ignite action. Otherwise, how will people know what we want? How will they know when we had enough? And how will God know when we can’t do it alone? Well, here’s a news flash. God isn’t fixing this. That’s according to the Dec. 3 issue of the New York Daily News. Helena Rodriguez Now let me back up. God isn’t fixing what? According to who? According to the Politically Correct who say words can hurt and yet words...

  • Happy saints day, Johnny

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist To all the people named Juan out there, happy “dia de su santo.” This can include all the Johns, Johnnys, John Boys, Dear Johns, Juanitos, Juanellos and, in Italia, to all named Giovanni. “Dia de su Santo” means happy saints day and I say that because today is the feast day of Mexico, Latin America’s and Nuevo Mejico’s beloved Mexican saint, Juan Diego, who was canonized by now Saint Pope John Paul II in 2002. There is one in a million chance, or should I say there is “Juan” in a million chance, that yo...

  • Rodriguez: Happy 'dia de su santo' to every Juan

    Helena Rodriguez

    To all the people named Juan out there, happy “dia de su santo.” This can include all the Johns, Johnnys, John Boys, Dear Johns, Juanitos, Juanellos and, in Italia, to all named Giovanni. “Dia de su Santo” means happy saints day and I say that because today is the feast day of Mexico, Latin America’s and Nuevo Mejico’s beloved Mexican saint, Juan Diego, who was canonized by now Saint Pope John Paul II in 2002. link Helena Rodriguez There is one in a million chance, or...

  • Christmas season good time to talk about mercy

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist One of the most memorable Christmas cards I received, I think it was from Sister Margaret McTaggart, depicted Baby Jesus lying in a manger with the words, “A God who could become so small can only mean mercy and love.” Some of my students in my high school English classes have been reading Jonathan Edwards’ widely published “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon, which was written in 1741 in Massachusetts and is filled with vivid imagery of hell. Needless to say, it has not been a class favorite...

  • Rodriguez: Little mercy does a lot of good

    Helena Rodriguez

    One of the most memorable Christmas cards I received, I think it was from Sister Margaret McTaggart, depicted Baby Jesus lying in a manger with the words, “A God who could become so small can only mean mercy and love.” Some of my students in my high school English classes have been reading Jonathan Edwards’ widely published “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon, which was written in 1741 in Massachusetts and is filled with vivid imagery of hell. link Helena Rodriguez...

  • Never been part of turkey team

    Helena Rodriguez

    Thursday is the big Turkey Day. The busiest-cooking-before-the-busiest-shopping-day-of-the-year. That’s enough to petrify a poultry panicked person. Say that three times. And I’m here feeling guilty, oh, and thankful, but mostly guilty. I’ve never cooked a Thanksgiving dinner myself. I’ve never been part of the head turkey procurement, management and preparation team. As a child and even young adult, on many a Thanksgiving eves, I couldn’t help but be shaken out of my slumbe...

  • Rodriguez: Holiday offers best of both worlds

    Helena Rodriguez

    Thursday is the big Turkey Day. The busiest-cooking-before-the-busiest-shopping-day-of-the-year. That’s enough to petrify a poultry panicked person. Say that three times. And I’m here feeling guilty, oh, and thankful, but mostly guilty. link Helena Rodriguez I’ve never cooked a Thanksgiving dinner myself. I’ve never been part of the head turkey procurement, management and preparation team. As a child and even young adult, on many a Thanksgiving eves, I couldn’t help but be sh...

  • We’re smarter than we think

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist I was watching the TV game show “Family Feud” with my daughter, Laura, and son-in-law Nino recently. It featured an Asian family, The Oh-Hos, verses an African-American family. I asked, “How come there are never Hispanic families on there?” Over the past two decades, I’ve only seen one or two Hispanic families on “Family Feud.” I posted the question on Facebook. My friend, Sal Salcido of Carlsbad, responded, “Because they would argue over what answer to give.” I laughed out loud because I had been thinking...

  • Rodriguez: Somos más inteligentes de lo que pensamos

    Helena Rodriguez

    Estaba viendo la programación de TV recientemente, del juego "Family Feud" con mi hija, Laura y yerno Nino. Apare una familia de asiática, el Oh-Hos, versos una familia afroamericana. Y pregunté, "¿por qué nunca hay familias hispanas allí?" link Helena Rodriguez Hace unas últimas dos décadas, sólo he visto una o dos familias hispanas en "Family Feud." Publicque la pregunta en Facebook. Mi amigo, Sal Salcido de Carlsbad, respondió: "porque discutirán sobre qué respuesta d...

  • Rodriguez: We're smarter than we think

    Helena Rodriguez

    I was watching the TV game show “Family Feud” with my daughter, Laura, and son-in-law Nino recently. It featured an Asian family, The Oh-Hos, verses an African-American family. I asked, “How come there are never Hispanic families on there?” link Helena Rodriguez Over the past two decades, I’ve only seen one or two Hispanic families on “Family Feud.” I posted the question on Facebook. My friend, Sal Salcido of Carlsbad, responded, “Because they would argue over what answer to...

  • Multiculturalism brings different flavor to the table

    Helena Rodriguez

    Local columnist I wrote recently about famed writer Rudolfo Anaya. It’s ashamed to call him a “New Mexico writer.” He’s a nationally known Hispanic writer. He broke the regional borders. I wonder when historical borders will be broken for Hispanics within our borders. I’m not talking about those born on the other side of the border. Let me explain. Hispanic writers are often constricted, perhaps falling victim to the controversial label of “multiculturalism.” There is negativity with that term because of efforts to us...

  • Rodriguez: Multiculturalism brings different flavor to the table

    Helena Rodriguez

    I wrote recently about famed writer Rudolfo Anaya. It’s a shame to call him a “New Mexico writer.” He’s a nationally known Hispanic writer. He broke the regional borders. I wonder when historical borders will be broken for Hispanics within our borders. I’m not talking about those born on the other side of the border. Let me explain. link Helena Rodriguez Hispanic writers are often constricted, perhaps falling victim to the controversial label of “multiculturalism.” There is ne...

  • Rodriguez: Sabor diferente de multiculturalismo se trae a la mesa

    Helena Rodriguez

    Recientemente escribí sobre un escritor famoso, Rudolfo Anaya. Es vergüensoso llamarlo un "escritor de Nuevo México". Es un escritor de hispanos, conocido al nivel nacional. Rompió las fronteras regionales. Me gustaría saber cuando se romperán de nuestras fronteras de hispanos, dentro las fronteras históricas. No estoy hablando acerca de aquellos que fueron nacidos del otro lado de la frontera. link Helena Rodriguez Déjeme explico. Escritores hispanos son a menudo estrech...

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