Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Articles written by joan clayton

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  • Religion column: Laughter good for your health

    Joan Clayton

    Have you ever read some of those "not meant to be funny" church bulletins? I like the one "Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands." Or how about this one? "For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs." One of my favorite school stories happened when I overheard one child say to another on the playground: "The thing that ruins my weekends is school, man!" My husband and a friend have a...

  • Religion column: God's valentine comes in form of Bible

    Joan Clayton

    Remember when you received all of those wonderful valentines in grade school? You carefully read each one noting with great eagerness the sender's signature. What about those little heart candies with all kinds of love notes? I took them seriously. I thought every boy in the room was in love with me. Who forgets that adolescent first love? The excitement, the tingling feeling, and the burst of fireworks made it seem like July 4th every day. Memories still linger in our heart of hearts. Just being in your sweetheart's...

  • Dog delivers lesson of patience

    Joan Clayton Joan Clayton

    "Not another dog!" "But he's such a nice dog," my husband said, patting this creature defensively. "This dog is not going to be a house dog," and I meant it. Chalk up one for me for the only case I won. Emmitt named him "Bear." He looks like one and acts like one, I thought. I tried not to like this cuddly hyper little puppy. His little brown mustache attached to a black and brown spotted body with a short stubby tail that never stopped wagging made it hard for me to dislike him. Winter came and although it brought mild...

  • Dog delivers lesson of patience

    Joan Clayton

    “Not another dog!” “But he’s such a nice dog,” my husband said, patting this creature defensively. “This dog is not going to be a house dog,” and I meant it. Chalk up one for me for the only case I won. Emmitt named him “Bear.” He looks like one and acts like one, I thought. I tried not to like this cuddly hyper little puppy. His little brown mustache attached to a black and brown spotted body with a short stubby tail that never stopped wagging made it hard for me to dislike him. Winter came and although it brought mild tempe...

  • Religion column: God gave us arms for hugging

    Joan Clayton

    I think we should have a "Hug Day." I would be lost if I didn't have hugs from friends and loved ones. Hugs make me happy. Hugs tell me someone likes me and that fills me with delight. I feel it takes hugs for one's well-being. I read somewhere that husbands who hug their wives have a five-year longer life span than those who do not. Many years of teaching little people brought hugs as far as they could reach. I hugged back at least 25 times a day. Guess what? My students have grown up and I get lots of hugs these days! Many...

  • Religion column: Put your life into hands of Jesus

    Joan Clayton

    I have been holding hands with my husband for many years. Those same hands that carried my books at school took my hands in his and pledged all his love to me on our wedding day. Those same hands held mine at the birth of each son. Those same hands built our first home; a house filled with many memories … a house of joy, love, laughter and tears. Three lively boys received training and discipline with hands that prayed a lot. When our sons began to leave home, I found strong hands surrounding mine, comforting my tears. I disc...

  • Religion column: Put all trust in Lord

    Joan Clayton

    Have you ever given something to the Lord and then turned right around and took it back? You have given your total being to the Lord, but slowly and surely, a gnawing worry keeps a problem to creep back into your mind. I have to fight that thought and hold my ground. The enemy would like nothing better than to use my mind for a battleground. I am trusting in the Lord, or I am not. He is Lord of all or he is not. Either I am surrendering all to his keeping or I am going to live out my days in torment, tossing about in a...

  • Winning the war on Christmas

    Joan Clayton

    Here we go again… the war of Christmas. Let’s forget these two words, “politically correct.” Excuse me, but I’m getting tired of hearing “someone may be offended.” Hey, this is our country and we love the land of the free! I can’t understand why those who oppose Christmas want to take away the joy of this time of year. It is Jesus’ birthday. Why is it other beliefs are never attacked? (Some are even given more privileges.) Jesus sacrificed for you and me. Name someone else whose grace and mercy brings forgiveness. Name...

  • Clayton: Miracles happen in everyday life

    Joan Clayton

    Have you ever considered the fact that you are a miracle? That tiny microscopic cell contains your physical characteristics, talents, abilities and personality. I find that amazing. What about the little coincidences in our lives? Had you been just a little bit earlier or later a car wreck might have happened or if it happened it could have taken your life? Or like my son who looked down and saw a rattlesnake just in time? If you ever doubt how valuable you are, read Psalm 139:13-15: “For you created my inner most being; y...

  • God's child has 'cutting edge'

    Joan Clayton

    This world is a dangerous place. Hurricanes, floods, mudslides, a tsunami, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes and other natural catastrophes threaten our physical existence. Put that with accidents, terrorists, “wars and rumors of wars,” (Matthew 24:6) a multiple of diseases and you might get depressed. Throughout history mankind has struggled for survival against unspeakable odds, with one exception. Bible history reveals the “safe place” for those who loved God and followed through in obedience. Yes, they had hard times but...

  • Fall is my favorite time of the year

    Joan Clayton

    I love this time of year. Fall is the time when God takes his master paintbrush and tips the foliage with gorgeous hues of red and orange with golden streaks of beauty. My friend says, “God spilled his paint bucket.” The crispness of the early morning and the chill at dusk invigorates me. The smell of wood burning in a fireplace, a good book and an apple makes me happy. The beauty of cottonwood leaves wear golden crowns looking up to heaven. Ornamental pear trees grace the landscape with deep scarlet leaves. Farmers’ field...

  • Joy makes it great to be alive

    Joan Clayton

    Today is the day to be happy, and it can be a lifestyle. Life is glorious. Taste it. Smell it. It is delicious. Go barefooted. Sing. Laugh. Smile. Give yourself away. Win the prize. It’s called joy. “…the joy of the Lord will make you strong” (Nehemiah 8:10 NCV). You can do anything through Jesus, because he gives you strength. (Philippians 4:13) Today is all we have. Let’s make the most of it. Today is now. The past is past. Enjoy those loved ones while living your life. Time is fleeting. Opportunities may be gone to...

  • Heroes cheer themselves in the Lord

    Joan Clayton

    The vastness of God’s creation is overwhelming. From outer space, Planet Earth is but a little blue marble, yet God provides every need for the earth’s inhabitants. God knows each one of us. He knows every hair upon our heads. All things are possible for you and me because he lives mightily in his children. God is able. He never gets weary, and his supply never runs out. He is big enough to renew strength and to hear and answer prayers. He restores well-being. Nothing can compare to our God. He is an awesome God indeed. Bec...

  • Home built on love can weather any storm

    Joan Clayton

    Build your house with love and joy that leads to peace. Even through trials and problems, God, who is honored, will never leave your house. A home committed to God has happy hearts. When storm clouds come to this house, let singing break forth. Acknowledging and depending on God preserves our earthly bodies of clay. The storm crashing against this house will not move it, for those in this house are temples of God. This house is calm in the eye of the storm, a refuge from the weary trials, for this house abides in “the s...

  • Clayton: How I struck gold

    Joan Clayton

    “Hey guys. See that girl over there?” the tall, lanky kid pointed, talking to his friends. “That fat girl in glasses eating an ice cream cone?” they asked, almost chuckling. “Yep. That’s the one,” he said. “I’m going to marry her someday.” (And he was talking about me.) Everyone knew the prize “catch” of high school. He was the all-state center, the track star and so tall, dark and handsome you wouldn’t believe it. Needless to say, “zilch” became my popularity with the girls in our little country high school. Emmitt o...

  • Angels sent by God to watch over us

    Joan Clayton

    The approaching holidays remind me of the angels who brought the “good tidings of great joy” to the shepherds in the field. (Luke 2:9-13). Many references about angels are found in the Bible. They can be traced from Genesis to Revelation. Angels are supernatural beings sent by God. They are God’s messengers. Psalm 91:11 states, “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Angels are mentioned in the beloved Christmas carols that accompany this wonderful time of the year: “Hark, the herald...

  • Columnist featured in 'Chicken Soup' book

    Joan Clayton

    Portales religion columnist and retired teacher Joan Clayton wrote one of the stories in “Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles.” The book recounts 101 true stories of divine intervention and answered prayers, according to the Chicken Soup for the Soul website. It is available now. Information:

  • God's love always present

    Joan Clayton

    I watched the nurse who had much compassion. She had work to do as she completed her charts, writing with a pen. Yet she had time to hold an elderly man’s hand with her other hand. As she wrote her reports for a weary day, she never left his hand. The man held her hand against his face and smiled. I like to think he gave a kiss toward God. Another couple was seated for lunch. The husband lovingly encouraged his wife to eat. The gentleman didn’t have to tell me they had 58 years of marriage. I saw it in his eyes. His dev...

  • Crying shows you care

    Joan Clayton

    When Traci, my granddaughter, was small she said, “My mawmaw is a Christian because she cries a lot.” I guess crying is what I do best. To me a good cry is tears of love. I cry when my children go home after a visit. I cry when I hear the song “Sentimental Journey,” our song while Emmitt was in the army. I cry in a movie. I cried when my cat died. I believe that crying is showing that you care. My tears are a relief for me. It doesn’t mean that I’m not trusting God. It means I’m a human in this world. I’m not yet in heaven, w...

  • Jesus just a prayer away

    Joan Clayton

    In this journey of life, we have ups and downs, but with Jesus we always win. We had a big “down” recently. My husband was sent to Lubbock by helicopter. It was hard to be calm, but I felt God’s presence. After six days, Emmitt was brought back home for rehabilitation. I just cannot find enough words to tell you how much we love you with your visits, cards, e-mails, phone calls and prayers. I have always said, “People need people.” How I needed you, and you came to my rescue. I must thank a policeman who drove me to Roosev...

  • Positive thoughts keep negativity at bay

    Joan Clayton

    I don’t know about you, but I am tired of hearing bad news. The media predicts doom and gloom. Negativity is spread everywhere and any day Chicken Little will say, “The sky is falling!” Let’s look for the good. Let’s learn to trust God and be happy. Someone has said, “Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.” I say, “Be in love with life.” Every day give at lease one person a piece of your love. I have found 20 thoughts for a happy life. I’m sure you can find many more. 1. Where there is true love, there is lif...

  • Run to God’s wings

    Joan Clayton

  • God performs miracles every day

    Joan Clayton

    Have you ever considered the fact that you yourself are a miracle? The tiny microscopic cell contains your physical characteristics, talents, abilities and personality. I find that amazing. If you ever doubt how valuable you are, read Psalm 139:13-16: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.” (NIV) I believe our d...

  • God's mercy is everlasting

    Joan Clayton

    My husband has really contributed to the health of cats. One time he had 23 cats in his barn. He fussed about so many cats, but I noticed he kept buying cat food. A car hit one mother cat. Emmitt tried desperately to feed her baby kittens with a doll bottle, but they were too weak. One winter day Emmitt found a small kitten at our doorstep. He picked it up, and it died in his hands. He brought it into the house, prayed over it and rubbed it back to life. That cat had the privilege of being a house cat. I smiled when they both...

  • Entrust your worries to God

    Joan Clayton

    Of all the things you have ever worried about, tell me something good that came about as a result. What is worry? I define it as “rehearsing calamity” or meditating on the worse thing that can happen. It is to feel anxious and uneasy, to be disturbed, harassed or annoyed, to be troubled. How long could one feel this way and still have good health? Worry causes a multitude of illnesses and diseases. Instead of “cardiac thrombosis” written on a death certificate, it could say “worry” as the cause of death. Jesus said in Mat...

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