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Articles written by Las Cruces Sun-news

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  • Las Cruces High band truck, equipment stolen

    Las Cruces Sun-News, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 26, 2021

    LAS CRUCES — The Las Cruces High School Showcase Band’s day competing in the Zia Marching Band Fiesta on Saturday started on an extremely sour note. Band officials awoke in the morning to find someone stole a Penske box truck holding more than $200,000 of equipment, instruments and speakers from a hotel parking lot in Albuquerque ahead of the performance. “As soon as we heard the news, everything froze and our hearts dropped,” said Lorraine Leachman, LCHS Showcase Band fundraising chair, in a news release. But thanks to the a...

  • Editorial: Space flight industry needs liability bill

    Las Cruces Sun-News

    Wayne Hale understands as well as anyone both the potential for commercial space flight and the obstacles to success. Hale is a former program manager for the space shuttle program. He was shuttle flight director for 40 shuttle missions, and was deputy associate administrator of strategic partnerships in NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate when he retired in 2010. He is now a consultant for a private aerospace services company in Colorado. During his keynote speech Tuesday at the International Symposium for Personal...

  • Editorial: Virtual guard could boost border security

    Las Cruces Sun-News

    It remains to be seen if an avatar will work at expediting cross-border travel times. A pilot program taking place in Arizona could be expanded to this area if it proves effective. At the Nogales, Ariz., border crossing, a virtual border guard is being tested as a mechanism handling pre-approved, low-risk travelers as they go through dedicated lanes and kiosks. Since 9/11, increased security at ports of entry have slowed commerce and pedestrian traffic. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been seeking ways, using...

  • New Mexico's A-F grading system flawed

    Las Cruces Sun-News

    The intention of the state's new school grading system was to simplify the accountability process. Instead of categories such as Restructuring Year 1 or Corrective Action, each school gets a grade of "A" through "F." Simple, right? For the parents, yes. For school administrators trying to figure out the new system, not so much. Sen. Howie Morales, D-Bayard, had urged the Department of Education to delay announcing the first set of grades until improvements could be made to make the system more understandable to those...

  • Editorial: Time to stop questions about guv's grandpa

    Las Cruces Sun-News

    O K, so now we know. But why did anyone have to care? It's now been confirmed that Gov. Susana Martinez' paternal grandfather was a U.S. citizen and not an illegal immigrant. Holy smokes, is that ever a big load off all of our minds! It was almost getting to be the Barack Obama birth-certificate flap all over again. Because some people made a big deal over the question, The Associated Press gets kudos for dusting off the truth. Grandpa Martinez was legally admitted to the U.S. as a permanent resident in 1918 and became a...