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Articles written by Michael Reagan

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 168

  • Opinion: Debate hung Joe Biden out to dry

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jul 2, 2024

    Going into Joe Biden’s debate with Donald Trump on CNN, the big question was whether Biden could last 90 minutes. We found out he couldn’t last 90 seconds. On Thursday night everyone saw what’s left of the president’s brain and body – and it was not just a disastrous political moment for Joe Biden, it was a sad one. It wasn’t just that his voice was hoarse at the start. It wasn’t because of his confused and muddled answers or his five-second freeze about 13 minutes in, w...

  • Opinion: Praying to throw Dems out of power

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jun 18, 2024

    So I turn on the news …. We’ve got wars raging in Ukraine and Israel. We’ve got nuke-carrying Russian warships visiting Cuba. We’ve got 4,000 illegal immigrants a day crossing our Southern border. We’ve got eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS arrested this month in New York, Philadelphia and here in Los Angeles. We’ve got pro-Palestinian and antisemitic protestors making trouble on our college campuses, surrounding the White House, blocking traffic and...

  • Opinion: Bidens have bad week in media

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jun 11, 2024

    It was a good week for the Reagan family. Not so much for the Biden clan. Last Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where my father is buried, there was a fine ceremony to mark the 20th year of his passing and recall the conservative principles that powered his domestic and foreign successes. And on Thursday, when the library marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it also celebrated the famous speech my father gave 40 years ago when he traveled to Normandy to ho...

  • Opinion: Justice system can cut both ways

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jun 4, 2024

    Mark my words. Democrats will be sorry on Nov. 5 because of what they did last week in New York City. They and their friends in the liberal media can whoop it up and high-five each other all they want over the guilty verdicts Donald Trump got on Thursday in his hush money trial. But in the fall voters will have the chance to express how they feel about the destructive things the Biden Administration was willing to do to our legal system to try to defeat Trump. The verdicts...

  • Opinion: Trump only person who can save US from Biden

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated May 21, 2024

    What’s happening on CNN and MSNBC is disgusting, but not surprising. Some of their so-called pundits and reporters have been downright giddy while watching Donald Trump on trial in New York City. They think the New York DA’s office is doing God’s work, not Joe Biden’s. They love watching lying lowlifes like porn star Stormy Daniels and Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen testifying against the ex-president. It doesn’t matter to losers like Joe & Mika and Jen Psaki that the De...

  • Opinion: It's not about you, Rep. Greene

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated May 7, 2024

    What a good week it should have been for Republicans. Dozens of campuses from UCLA to Columbia University were being wracked by pro-Palestinian protestors who set up “Gaza Solidarity” encampments, spewed antisemitic hate speech, took over buildings and intimidated Jewish students. The protestors demanded their schools condemn Israel’s invasion of Gaza, come out in support of Palestinians or divest themselves of any Israeli investments. The riots were so heavily covered by the...

  • Opinion: Separating border, aid measures right call

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Apr 30, 2024

    Another week, another round of Republicans attacking each other. This time it was over the Ukraine funding bill that was passed by the House and ultimately became part of the big military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan that Congress passed late last month. The Republican controlled House, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, passed the Ukraine funding bill after what seemed like years of delays by a vote of 311-112. All the “no” votes came from Republicans and Johnson had...

  • Opinion: Homegrown terrorists on their way

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Apr 23, 2024

    “Death to Israel!” “Death to America!” It sounds like something you’d hear chanted by hundreds of brainwashed young people in the streets of Tehran. But as we saw last week, those are the chants of our own children on college campuses. People can agree or disagree on what the Israeli military is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza to punish Hamas for its attack on Oct. 7, or what our State Department is doing wrong in the Middle East. And am I seriously worried about Joe Biden...

  • Opinion: Republicans need to get act together

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Apr 16, 2024

    I don’t blame the public for not wanting to put the Republican Party back in power in Washington. As the GOP proved again in the House last week, it’s incapable of accomplishing anything of importance. The big vote was over the reauthorization of a reformed version of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act – aka, FISA. FISA is the controversial act that permits U.S. spy agencies to gather foreign intelligence by collecting the communications of non-Americans located outsi...

  • Opinion: Bridge response shamefully partisan

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Apr 9, 2024

    The end of last month must have been especially rough for the people still living in the contaminated eastern Ohio town of East Palestine. On March 26, only hours after the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor was knocked down by an out-of-control container ship, they had to watch President Biden come on national TV and promise to “move heaven and earth” to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge “as soon as humanly possible.” They also had to see Biden pledge to have...

  • Opinion: Tax revolt is an encouraging sign

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Mar 26, 2024

    You’d never expect a tax revolt to start in the blue California city of Oakland. But a bunch of angry, over-taxed and under-protected local business people there have said, “Enough is enough.” The owner of a restaurant has called on other Oakland small businesses to stop paying local taxes until their city starts doing what it should be doing – protecting them from a recent wave of robberies and thefts. Big businesses like Tesla or Oracle can escape the madness and high ta...

  • Opinion: Republicans need to go on offensive

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Mar 19, 2024

    Republicans are never going to impeach Joe Biden. I wish more Republicans would beat that fact into their skulls. Just as Democrats weren’t able to impeach Donald Trump because they didn’t control the Senate, Republicans are never going to impeach Biden for the same reason. It doesn’t matter how corrupt Biden and his family are, how he has allowed 8 million illegal immigrants to invade our Southern border or how mentally out-of-it he is. Biden will never be impeached and M...

  • Opinion: Republicans must fight hard to gain Senate

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Mar 12, 2024

    A miracle occurred last week in California’s U.S. Senate primary race. In a deep Blue state where Democrat voters outnumber Republicans 2-1, Steve Garvey, the former L.A. Dodgers star, ran against three Democrats and came in a close second to Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff. Garvey, a conservative Republican, finished behind Schiff in California’s crazy “jungle primary,” where voters are allowed to vote for any candidate regardless of party affiliation. That means in the gen...

  • Opinion: Time for Nikki Haley to drop out of race

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Mar 5, 2024

    OK, Nikki Haley. Sing along with me, the Republican Party and the great Kenny Rogers: You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, Know when to walk away, know when (NOT) to run. It’s long past time for you to drop out of the race for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination. You’ve been called repeatedly and you’ve still got a losing hand. Donald Trump has humiliated your political butt in primaries across the U.S. But you still don’t know wh...

  • Opinion: 2024's major candidates both criminals

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 27, 2024

    The Democrats are trying to put Donald Trump in jail. The Republicans are trying to put Joe Biden in jail – along with the rest of his extended political crime family. Both sides think the only way they can win is by putting their opponent in jail. Is this what our beat up republic has to look forward to as we head for the election in November? The country is not just going to hell in a handbasket, it’s already there. I’m watching an invasion of illegal immigrants parad...

  • Opinion: Biden's legacy mental confusion

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 13, 2024

    Videos of Joe Biden not knowing where he is or saying he just met with a French president who died 25 years ago are not so funny anymore. They’re tragic. And I can’t help feeling embarrassed and sorry for the president. It angers me to see him dodder out in public almost every other day and make a mumbling and confused fool of himself. Biden’s clearly been in the early stages of dementia for several years. It’s getting worse by the week and there’s no pill or treatment...

  • Opinion: I'll take crazy over more Biden

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 6, 2024

    It’s a good thing Donald Trump doesn’t own one of the Super Bowl teams. If he did, people would already be rioting in the streets of Las Vegas, demanding that the NFL call off this weekend’s big game. The liberal media would be cheering on the rioters, as usual. But believe it or not, Trump is not just the madman from New York who his political enemies say tried to destroy democracy in America and has plans to install himself as a dictator this fall. According to leftist Democ...

  • Opinion: Enemies exploiting weak leadership

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 30, 2024

    Our belated and weak response to the missile attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea by Houthi militants has been embarrassing. But that’s what happens when there’s no strong leader in the White House. Watching Joe Biden and his inept state department screw up everything they try to do in Ukraine and the Middle East reminds me of something I saw my father do in his first year in office. In 1981 the Bad Boy of the Middle East was the late Muammar Gaddafi, the dictator of Lib...

  • Opinion: Worst Republican better than best Dem

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 16, 2024

    I heard there was another Republican presidential debate last week. I didn’t watch it. I’ve suffered enough, thanks. I don’t care how few political masochists tuned in to CNN Wednesday night to watch Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis engage in another meaningless debate. I don’t care who the big-shot media think “won” or “lost.” Twelve hours later, it already didn’t matter one bit. Everyone knows the ultimate winner was the same guy who won all the previous GOP debates and was appe...

  • Opinion: Americans need to reach out, talk

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 9, 2024

    It’s a brand new year. But it’s beginning to feel like I’m stuck in the movie “Groundhog Day.” Nothing ever seems to change. We still have two bloody wars, a border invasion, a growing $34 trillion national debt and, sadly, we’re still living in a divided country of haters. You turn on the news and everyone’s still angry. People are still not talking to one another. Blind partisanship is everywhere. There’s so little to feel good or optimistic about in Washington or a...

  • Opinion: New year won't be easy for California

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 2, 2024

    Having a happy New Year this year won’t be easy in California. The state is a fiscal, social and economic train wreck that just keeps on wrecking. As we roll into 2024, we’ve learned we’re looking at a projected budget deficit of $68 billion. The Los Angeles Times explained the cause of California’s huge shortfall last week in its usual biased way – without pinning blame on the Democrats in Sacramento whose policies are responsible for it. The deficit is not just because t...

  • Opinion: Sister had role in O'Connor appointment

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 26, 2023

    Last week America said its final goodbye to Sandra Day O’Connor. The first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court was eulogized at Washington National Cathedral by President Joe Biden and Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice O’Connor was appointed in 1981 by my father, served nearly a quarter century and died Dec. 1 at age 93. As Roberts said, she was “a strong, influential, iconic jurist. Her leadership shaped the legal profession, making it obvious that judges are both wom...

  • Opinion: GOP must end immigration nightmare

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 19, 2023

    We’ve got Israel looking for billions. We’ve got Ukraine begging for more billions. And the president and Democrats can’t wait another day to cut fat checks for both countries. Thank God the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives are telling Democrats that before we dish out money to help Ukraine and Israel defend their borders, we have to defend ours first. Naturally, Democrats don’t want anything to do with that sensible deal. They’re calling it outrageou...

  • Opinion: Few of us left with brains or backbone

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 12, 2023

    Monica Crowley summed up the sad state of the Republican Party perfectly last week in a single tweet. Following the House’s 311-114 vote to expel the lying GOP weirdo and future criminal defendant George Santos, she wrote: “Republicans bounced George Santos. “Kevin McCarthy is leaving this month. “Bill Johnson is retiring. “This will leave the GOP with a ONE-SEAT majority. “Democrats would never do their voters like this. “These people don’t give a bleep about us or the count...

  • Opinion: Neither candidate will benefit from debate

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 5, 2023

    Excuse me for skipping the great debate Thursday night between the governors of Florida and California. I had better things to do than watch a meaningless political debate between Red State hero Ron DeSantis and Blue State hero Gavin Newsom. Anyway, I’ve already suffered enough political pain in the last few months. I’ve watched what seemed like a dozen presidential primary debates – Republican Party exhibition games, really – starring a bunch of second- and third-s...

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