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Articles written by michael reagan

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  • Opinion: I'll take crazy over more Biden

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 6, 2024

    It’s a good thing Donald Trump doesn’t own one of the Super Bowl teams. If he did, people would already be rioting in the streets of Las Vegas, demanding that the NFL call off this weekend’s big game. The liberal media would be cheering on the rioters, as usual. But believe it or not, Trump is not just the madman from New York who his political enemies say tried to destroy democracy in America and has plans to install himself as a dictator this fall. According to leftist Democ...

  • Opinion: Enemies exploiting weak leadership

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 30, 2024

    Our belated and weak response to the missile attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea by Houthi militants has been embarrassing. But that’s what happens when there’s no strong leader in the White House. Watching Joe Biden and his inept state department screw up everything they try to do in Ukraine and the Middle East reminds me of something I saw my father do in his first year in office. In 1981 the Bad Boy of the Middle East was the late Muammar Gaddafi, the dictator of Lib...

  • Opinion: Worst Republican better than best Dem

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 16, 2024

    I heard there was another Republican presidential debate last week. I didn’t watch it. I’ve suffered enough, thanks. I don’t care how few political masochists tuned in to CNN Wednesday night to watch Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis engage in another meaningless debate. I don’t care who the big-shot media think “won” or “lost.” Twelve hours later, it already didn’t matter one bit. Everyone knows the ultimate winner was the same guy who won all the previous GOP debates and was appe...

  • Opinion: Americans need to reach out, talk

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 9, 2024

    It’s a brand new year. But it’s beginning to feel like I’m stuck in the movie “Groundhog Day.” Nothing ever seems to change. We still have two bloody wars, a border invasion, a growing $34 trillion national debt and, sadly, we’re still living in a divided country of haters. You turn on the news and everyone’s still angry. People are still not talking to one another. Blind partisanship is everywhere. There’s so little to feel good or optimistic about in Washington or a...

  • Opinion: New year won't be easy for California

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 2, 2024

    Having a happy New Year this year won’t be easy in California. The state is a fiscal, social and economic train wreck that just keeps on wrecking. As we roll into 2024, we’ve learned we’re looking at a projected budget deficit of $68 billion. The Los Angeles Times explained the cause of California’s huge shortfall last week in its usual biased way – without pinning blame on the Democrats in Sacramento whose policies are responsible for it. The deficit is not just because t...

  • Opinion: Sister had role in O'Connor appointment

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 26, 2023

    Last week America said its final goodbye to Sandra Day O’Connor. The first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court was eulogized at Washington National Cathedral by President Joe Biden and Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice O’Connor was appointed in 1981 by my father, served nearly a quarter century and died Dec. 1 at age 93. As Roberts said, she was “a strong, influential, iconic jurist. Her leadership shaped the legal profession, making it obvious that judges are both wom...

  • Opinion: GOP must end immigration nightmare

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 19, 2023

    We’ve got Israel looking for billions. We’ve got Ukraine begging for more billions. And the president and Democrats can’t wait another day to cut fat checks for both countries. Thank God the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives are telling Democrats that before we dish out money to help Ukraine and Israel defend their borders, we have to defend ours first. Naturally, Democrats don’t want anything to do with that sensible deal. They’re calling it outrageou...

  • Opinion: Few of us left with brains or backbone

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 12, 2023

    Monica Crowley summed up the sad state of the Republican Party perfectly last week in a single tweet. Following the House’s 311-114 vote to expel the lying GOP weirdo and future criminal defendant George Santos, she wrote: “Republicans bounced George Santos. “Kevin McCarthy is leaving this month. “Bill Johnson is retiring. “This will leave the GOP with a ONE-SEAT majority. “Democrats would never do their voters like this. “These people don’t give a bleep about us or the count...

  • Opinion: Neither candidate will benefit from debate

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 5, 2023

    Excuse me for skipping the great debate Thursday night between the governors of Florida and California. I had better things to do than watch a meaningless political debate between Red State hero Ron DeSantis and Blue State hero Gavin Newsom. Anyway, I’ve already suffered enough political pain in the last few months. I’ve watched what seemed like a dozen presidential primary debates – Republican Party exhibition games, really – starring a bunch of second- and third-s...

  • Opinion: Homeless 'miracle' could be any city

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Nov 21, 2023

    Here in sunny Los Angeles, it’s raining. It’s too bad it didn’t rain real hard on Nov. 11. It might have helped firefighters put out the enormous fire under the 10 Freeway near downtown before the heat weakened the pillars and forced the highway to be closed. The fire – which officials now say was arson – erupted near a village of homeless people living in their colorful tents, trailers and sleeping bags. It was fed by huge stacks of wood pallets that were illegally stored in...

  • Opinion: Republican debate shows weakness

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Nov 14, 2023

    You know how sometimes when you’re going 70 mph and suddenly a stupid fly in the car starts bothering the hell out you? You know how it keeps buzzing around your head, landing on your windshield, and you have to open the window and try to shoo it out without crashing your car? Well, Vivek Ramaswamy reminded me of that fly during the Republican primary debate last Wednesday night. The brash 38-year-old easily stole the show in the third Trump-less contest. And he was dead right...

  • Opinion: Dangerous level of hate in country

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 31, 2023

    “The more we learn about the 2020 election the more ILLEGITIMATE it becomes. America deserves to know whether we have a FAKE president in the oval office.” How could Republicans in the House struggle for three weeks and then unanimously elect a man who said this kind of irresponsible stuff to be their new speaker? How could the hapless House Republicans – Oh, wait a minute. My mistake. There’s a typo in that first sentence. It should be “the 2016 election,” not the 2020 el...

  • Opinion: Some hope for Republican future

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 24, 2023

    The world is going to hell and taking America’s wealth, military power and geopolitical influence with it. Thanks to the terrorists of Hamas, we’re slowly being pulled deeper into a war in Israel that could set the whole Middle East on fire. And remember the bloody war in Ukraine? It’s been blasted off the front page, but after 20 months it’s still an ongoing slaughter, despite more than $100 billion from U.S. taxpayers to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia. It would be...

  • Opinion: Need to heal poisoning of youth

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 17, 2023

    It turns out that some of our smartest college kids aren’t just stupid about things like microaggressions and gender pronouns. The reaction on many campuses to the slaughter of innocent Israelis by Hamas terrorists showed that many students are just as a stupid about Israel and the rest of the world. It was shocking – and sad – to see American college students marching around, openly rooting for Palestine and celebrating Hamas’ “victory” over Israel. It proved how deeply and d...

  • Opinion: What's the plan with Speaker gone?

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 10, 2023

    OK, my fellow Republicans, you got rid of Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Eight of you joined with every Democrat in the House of Representatives – the only part of the federal government we control – to vote McCarthy out, 216-210. In the process you threw the House into chaos, killed any hope of passing important bills anytime soon and made yourselves the laughing stock of the political world. OK, so you made history. Now what’s your plan? And where is it? What? You have no plan?...

  • Republican debate a total disaster

    Michael Reagan|Updated Oct 4, 2023

    From the first dumb question to the abrupt ending that caught everyone by surprise, the GOP presidential primary debate produced by the Fox Business channel was a total disaster. I know. I was there Wednesday night – in Row 5 of the Air Force One pavilion in the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif. At the beginning of the debate it was a special treat to see and hear the praise that the Fox people bestowed on my father, his historic accomplishments and his strong and p...

  • Opinion: Left's information blackout not new

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Sep 19, 2023

    Thank God for Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. I wish every major television and radio network in the country had covered what the smart and colorful Republican did in the Senate last week. As part of a hearing looking into the alleged threat to freedom posed by parents who want to have sexually explicit gay and trans books removed from their school libraries, Kennedy bravely quoted some choice excerpts from two of the books. While he read out loud from “All Boys Aren’t Blu...

  • Opinion: California making children state property

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Sep 12, 2023

    Almost 100 years ago the great American author Sinclair Lewis wrote a political novel called “It Can’t Happen Here.” The 1935 book was a warning that what was happening then in Europe – the rise of fascism and Nazism – could come to America in the form of a Hitler-type politician who gets elected and then becomes a dictator. Though the power of the federal government has grown enormously since FDR’s days, we never became a totalitarian country like the fictional one Lewis i...

  • Opinion: Elderly, addled need to step down

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Sep 5, 2023

    Seriously folks. Maybe we Republicans better stop banging on Old Joe Biden for the serious cognitive issues he obviously has. Unless we hold the players on our own team responsible for their cognitive issues, we have to stop harping on the obvious mental declines of President Biden, Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania and Diane Feinstein, my home state’s ancient senator. I’m talking of course about the problem of what to do about Sen. Mitch McConnell’s shaky brain. The Repub...

  • Opinion: Nikki Haley only breakout in debate

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 29, 2023

    As usual, there was too much cross-talk and chaos on stage. And there was way too much partisan cheering and hooting by the audience. But the first Republican presidential primary debate on Fox News was an entertaining spectacle. Instead of watching Tucker Carlson interview Donald Trump on Twitter/X, it was a good way to check out the personalities and political positions of the GOP’s lineup of second and third stringers who have the impossible dream of beating out Trump f...

  • Opinion: Brazen criminality hurts racial relations

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 22, 2023

    Another week, another lame Trump indictment. Another week, another slimy Hunter Biden report. Another week, another smash-and-grab at a California mall. You can’t get away from this crummy stuff unless you turn off the TV, take the alerts off your phone and sleep all day on the beach for a week like Joe Biden. But I’m totally worn out by the never-ending troubles and crimes of Trump and Hunter. Nothing that happens to either of them in a courtroom months or years from now wil...

  • Opinion: Media ignoring Biden for Trump

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 15, 2023

    Half the country has no idea why the front page of Thursday’s New York Post was so hilarious. That’s because, thanks to the liberal media, half the country still has no idea who Hunter Biden is, or why he is in trouble for raking in millions for his extended family from foreign businessmen by selling access to his father Joe’s “brand” and political influence. The Post – which is famous for its funny front pages and lively conservative journalism – brilliantly summed up the...

  • Opinion: Reagan example of political integrity

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 8, 2023

    “In the eight years that my father was President of the United States I never once sat in the room with business associates and called him on the phone. If I had, the Democrats would have skewered me.” When I posted that tweet the other day, it got a huge response. As we know from last week’s big whistleblower news, over the course of 10 years – while Joe Biden was vice president and when he was out of power – Hunter Biden put his father on speaker phone at least 20 times duri...

  • Opinion: Most Republican candidates don't stand a chance

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 5, 2023

    Here we go again. The first Republican presidential primary debate is less than a month away and the GOP is hell-bent on making the same mistake it made in 2015. For its first primary debate back then Republicans had a herd of medium-caliber presidential wannabes that was so large the party had to split them into two tiers based on their polling numbers. Fox News hosted two crowded debates back-to-back on one night that were more useless than usual. In the main event, 24 milli...

  • Opinion: Attempts to 'cancel' movie failed

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jul 25, 2023

    “Sound of Freedom” is still going strong despite the efforts of the left to kill it. In just three weeks the action-thriller, about a real-life American hero who went to Colombia to rescue one child from child sex traffickers and ended up rescuing 120 children, has racked up more than $100 million in ticket sales. Millions of Americans – including my son Cameron and I – have now watched the true story of Tim Ballard, the founder of Operation Underground Railroad who has devote...

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