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Articles written by michael reagan

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  • Opinion: Transgender policies hurt women

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 14, 2023

    The problem with young people today is no one teaches them history. If they knew what the East German government did to their Olympic women athletes in the 1970s and 1980s, for instance, they might understand why it’s not fair for transgender men to compete against women in sports like swimming, tennis and surfing. It’s ancient news now, but before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, East Germany was arguably the most evil communist country in Western Europe. It wasn’t just the l...

  • Opinion: New tax rule only hurts little people

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Feb 7, 2023

    The IRS is so kind. Our most beloved federal agency has delayed until next year a new income-reporting law it has carefully designed to squeeze the last drops of tax revenue out of many of us. The new IRS rule is aimed at millions of self-employed people and small business people who sell goods or services on places like eBay, drive part-time for Uber or earn income through social media companies like Airbnb. Right now, the requirement for having to report this kind of...

  • Opinion: Biden handling of Ukraine clueless

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 31, 2023

    It’s a stretch, but I think I know the real reason the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. We’ve been told for months that the DOJ ordered a search of Donald Trump’s home in Florida because he was not turning over a bunch of classified documents to the National Archives fast enough. Supposedly, the ex-president was violating the Presidential Records Act by hoarding boxes of “Top Secret” documents in his game room and Melania’s closet. But I believe the raid last August at Mar-a-Lago...

  • 'Green' hysteria can only do harm

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 24, 2023

    Is Davos over yet? Is it safe to turn on our TVs without being scolded by formerly important environmentalists like old Al Gore or creepy young climate warriors like Greta Thunberg? Finally. All the virtuous public talk about stopping climate change, saving the planet and putting the dirty fossil fuel industry out of existence at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland wrapped up on Friday. That’s when the political bigshots, billionaires and the media jun...

  • Opinion: Media should want answers from Biden

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jan 17, 2023

    Don’t worry, America. Big Media will never let Joe Biden get away with illegally taking classified documents from the White House in 2016 and stashing them at his office and in his garage next to his Corvette. The ace reporters at liberal places like the New York Times, CNN and NBC are already digging deep into the facts of Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. Soon the Big Media will be telling us exactly what classified documents Biden illegally took home, where he...

  • Opinion: Wars have become battle for stalemate

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 31, 2022

    We don’t fight our wars to win anymore. We fight them to get to a stalemate. We’ve risked untold lives and wasted trillions of dollars to poorly fight wars for decades in places like Afghanistan and Iraq and Vietnam. Then we negotiate and leave. And then the countries where we had been at war quickly revert to the way they were before our soldiers and weapons showed up. Afghanistan is the latest example of our stalemate wars that date back to World War II, and arguably the...

  • Opinion: Whelan decision shows president not really in control

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Dec 10, 2022

    Too bad Paul Whelan is not Black or gay or someone who openly hates America. Too bad he’s white, male and a former U.S. Marine. Otherwise, he would not still be rotting in jail in Russia on trumped-up espionage charges. Also otherwise, Whelan would have been the American prisoner in Russia who was exchanged last week by the Biden administration for Viktor Bout, aka “The Merchant of Death.” But instead of Whelan, it was Black lesbian basketball star Brittney Griner who was s...

  • Opinion: Politicians must focus on drug crime

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Nov 26, 2022

    The Republicans won the House. The Democrats kept the Senate. Joe Biden is still pretending to be the president. So how about if we – i.e., the politicians and the news media – dispense with the partisan political junk for a while? How about if we all sit down and try to fix some of the country’s chronic crises that we hear about every day but that only keep getting worse? How about if we start with fentanyl? In the last six months, we have heard hundreds of politicians and m...

  • Opinion: Winning governors brightest hope for Republicans

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Nov 19, 2022

    DeSantis, Kemp and Abbott. Those governors were not just the Republican Party’s brightest stars in the disappointing midterms elections. With their smashing victories on Nov. 8, they showed us they’re the future of the GOP – and the party’s best hope for retaking the White House in 2024. Ron DeSantis in Florida, Brian Kemp in Georgia and Greg Abbott in Texas – each could move into the White House and quickly begin fixing the serious economic, immigration and fiscal fiascos B...

  • Opinion: Make sure to vote in local elections

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Nov 5, 2022

    I just called our Realtor. My wife and I just put our house in Los Angeles on the market. We’re selling everything except our washer and dryer. Then we’re going to buy a really nice tent and move to Encino and live on the street. We’ll find a fire hydrant and a long extension cord, hook up the washer and dryer and live happily ever after for free … As you no doubt know, L.A.’s homeless population is in the news again. This time, it was because of the washing machine that was...

  • Opinion: 1976's problems still here today

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 29, 2022

    This month I dug up an amazing – and scary – radio commentary my father delivered on Sept. 1, 1976. It was one of about 600 weekly nationally syndicated commentaries he wrote on yellow legal tablets during the late 1970s. It described how he had decided what to say in “a letter to the future” he had been asked to write for a time capsule to be opened in 2076 during the Los Angeles Bicentennial celebration. He had been asked to mention in the letter some of the most serious...

  • Opinion: Need to get America back on track

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 15, 2022

    Can someone please tell me where anything good is happening in the U.S.? Everywhere you look, America the Beautiful has been turned ugly, weak and troubled. The economy is on the road to a recession – or even worse. Inflation is stuck at over 8 percent a year – with no end in sight. The stock market is spiraling to hell. Interest rates on mortgages have more than doubled in six months. Gas prices are again zooming toward $7 a gallon in California. The prices of lettuce, gro...

  • Opinion: Wokeness has no place in our military

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Oct 1, 2022

    Well, there goes the United States Air Force. The wokesters who have been wrecking our colleges for years with their insane diversity and inclusion codes have infiltrated the Air Force Academy. Cadets there now have to take a training class that includes a slide presentation titled, “Diversity & Inclusion: What it is, why we care, & what we can do.” The diversity pitch not only instructs cadets that they should “include all genders” when they speak among themselves, it tell...

  • Opinion: Environmentalist policies failing against heat wave

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Sep 17, 2022

    In California, a historic heat wave has exposed yet again what big idiots the politicians in Sacramento are. To prevent daily rolling blackouts in Beverly Hills like the ones they have in places like Ghana, Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked us to not use electricity between 4 and 9 p.m. The idea is to conserve power – and to prop up the electric grid that Newsom and his environmentalist comrades have been dismantling and neglecting for decades with their harmful green energy p...

  • Opinion: Biden, Democrats taking part in political hate speech

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Sep 3, 2022

    How much does President Biden dislike America? Let us count the ways. Last week, our phony uniter-in-chief called about half of the country – Republicans and all red-hatted supporters of Donald Trump – semi-fascists. His press secretary – the person who has the impossible job of trying to clarify, excuse or walk-back Biden’s daily gaffes and deranged attacks on his fellow Americans – said later that the president was not exaggerating by using the political f-word. “When you...

  • Opinion: Liz Cheney's defeat only good news lately

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 27, 2022

    The best political news of late for all Americans is that Liz Cheney lost. Big time. Her crushing demise in Wyoming’s Republican primary shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone – and she deserved it. Congresswoman Cheney – despite voting with the Trump administration more than 90 percent of the time – had come down with a politically fatal case of the “I Hate Trump Syndrome.” After she sold her soul to the Democrats running the House’s Jan. 6 show trial, the liberal media ...

  • Opinion: Raid on Mar-a-Lago is a severe case of government overreach

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 20, 2022

    If you weren’t fearful of government before, you should be scared to death by now. This is the United States of America. Not Venezuela. Or is it? Never in our history have we gone after a former president the way the partisans running the Biden administration’s FBI and Department of Justice just went after Donald Trump. We’re not some fake democracy in the Third World where the ruling political party gets to use government power to punish its opponents – or at least we were...

  • Opinion: Working America is the way America has always worked

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 13, 2022

    I’m a lucky American. Thanks to my wife Colleen’s job as a travel agent, in the last two weeks I’ve been to Europe and back. I was able to tag along with Colleen, as I often do, when she took a group of tourists to France’s Bordeaux wine country. While I was gone things looked like they were starting to improve a little at home. The Biden administration was still doing its best to cripple the economy, bankrupt the federal government and destroy our energy industry with th...

  • Opinion: Obama bears blame for anti-American attitudes these days

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Aug 6, 2022

    Lots of perplexed Americans are asking the question, “How did we get here?” They ask how is it that a rich, powerful and generally happy country that was chugging along so smoothly in the 21st century has almost overnight become an economic, social and ideological train wreck. It’s a fair question – and the answer has little to do with the pandemic and the collateral damage we’ve done to ourselves with lockdowns and the war on COVID. Today, the country is divided into doze...

  • Opinion: Trump run could lose 2024 election for Republicans

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jul 23, 2022

    Donald Trump is out there speaking and drawing fired-up crowds in places like Illinois. It’s obvious that he’s still the most popular figure and dominant force in the Republican Party. But I’m worried that despite his lasting popularity among most Republicans, he’s a liability to the GOP’s chances to retake the White House in 2024. The good news for Republicans is that this fall, thanks to Joe Biden, it looks like nothing is going to prevent a Red wave from flushing Democrats...

  • Gun ban would be logistical, dangerous nightmare

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jul 16, 2022

    It’s so predictable, maybe we should start calling it “Gun Control Day.” Like the movie “Groundhog Day,” it happens again and again after a mass shooting, like the one at a July 4 parade near Chicago that killed seven people and wounded two dozen. The professional anti-gun mob – i.e., liberal Democrats and the major media outlets – immediately spring into action and exploit the tragedy as much as they can. As they did this time, they automatically blame guns, renew their c...

  • Opinion: Pro-lifers must work to love and care for 'unwanted' babies

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jul 9, 2022

    It’s been a fabulous few weeks for conservatives, Republicans and millions of ordinary Americans. I cheered all of the Supreme Court’s recent blockbusters – for moral, political and personal reasons. I’m 100 percent pro-life. I believe adults should be free to own and carry guns. I believe there should be more prayer in schools, not less. And I don’t want unelected federal bureaucrats writing laws about the environment or anything else that Congress should be writing. But the...

  • Opinion: Gun control should be left in states' hands

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Jun 18, 2022

    Matthew McConaughey was the star of the latest gun drama in Washington. Two weeks after the slaughter of 19 school children in his hometown of Uvalde, Texas, the actor made an emotional appeal for stronger gun control measures. McConaughey got – and deserved — praise for much of what he said in the White House briefing room on Tuesday. Sure, he was a celebrity prop being exploited by President Biden and House Democrats to sell their hysterical and unconstitutional gun con...

  • Opinion: Dems bringing back inflation, high gas prices

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Apr 23, 2022

    Forty years ago we had a soaring inflation rate, obscene gas prices and interest rates in the teens. Today, thanks to their incredible incompetence, bad policies and serial stupidity, the Democrats in Washington are bringing back all those problems. It’s getting so bad, I’m actually beginning to think Jimmy Carter was not such a bad president after all. People under 40 have no idea how bad things were in the late 1970s under Carter. They’ve grown up knowing only 3 perce...

  • Opinion: Biden's speech was weak, meandering

    Michael Reagan, Syndicated content|Updated Mar 12, 2022

    First we wondered what President Biden was going to say in his first State of the Union address that was new, upbeat or important. Then we found out. Nothing. Biden meandered around for an hour. Committing a few gaffes and making false claims about his alleged successes, he pretended his 13-month string of failures at home and overseas was some other country’s nightmare. He pandered to union auto workers and spent most of the time rehashing the Build Back Better promises he m...

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