Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Articles written by Ned Cantwell State Columnist

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  • By George, that must be right

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    "Mr. President, sir, Mr. President!" The nervous but earnest young reporter catches up to George Washington as the statesman is about to step into the Erstwhile Inn for an appointment with John Adams. George Washington had just delivered a sound thumping to Adams in the nation's first presidential election and is eager to shore up his partnership with the sometimes brooding and self-persecuted Adams, who would serve as his vice president. "George!" "John!" "I feel like we are making history together!" The two exchange back...

  • Pastor offers take on recent tragedy

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    As a teen in the mid-1950s I began to develop the vague notion there may be more to life than hotrods and Friday nights at the drive-in. The revelation was, as we said back then, a real drag, daddy-o. So what to do with one's life? Since high school essay writing was always fun, and since I am nosey by nature, a newspaper career path made some sense. There was this, too. I came of age with the outstanding Los Angeles Times where I discovered Jim Murray, the late Pulitzer Prize winning sports columnist. I wasn't a sports nut...

  • No holiday break from worries

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    It is just a couple of weeks before Christmas and we are all grateful for the season. For this brief time we can shed our concerns, bask in the holiday spirit. It is the one time of year we can relax and forget our woes. As 2012 nears the end of her flight, much like a 727 trying to land in 100 mph winds, your humble correspondent has put his worries behind him. Like, as a young friend of mine would say, I am totally not worried. Except for the fact I am heading for a fiscal cliff. I don't even know what to wear. An inner...

  • Apologizing isn't easy for some

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    Neither Republican National Committeeman Pat Rogers nor Bernalillo District Attorney Democrat Kari Brandenburg has the slightest idea of how to issue an apology. You'll note I cite a person from both parties to prove, just like Fox News, I am fair and unbalanced. Perhaps an example of a sincere, heartfelt apology will help Rogers and Brandenburg get the idea. Here goes. Last week I did a terrible thing. Trying to make a point about carpet bagging beauty queens I said that were it my goal to win a community spelling bee I...

  • Denish: Selling jets not enough

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    (With apologies to Gail Collins and David Brooks of the New York Times — who popularized this format, the following is an exchange between the columnist and former New Mexico Lt. Gov. Diane Denish.) Denish: Your column backing the New Mexico law allowing illegal immigrants to drive was right on target, but I was amused by readers who think you actually are a liberal. I guess in the eyes of some New Mexicans you might be. Cantwell: Labels are misleading, aren't they? It is usually a mistake to paint people with the same b...

  • Denish: Selling jets not enough

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    (With apologies to Gail Collins and David Brooks of the New York Times — who popularized this format, the following is an exchange between the columnist and former New Mexico Lt. Gov. Diane Denish.) Denish: Your column backing the New Mexico law allowing illegal immigrants to drive was right on target, but I was amused by readers who think you actually are a liberal. I guess in the eyes of some New Mexicans you might be. Cantwell: Labels are misleading, aren't they? It is usually a mistake to paint people with the same b...

  • Ghost town spooky to some

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    Casper, New Mexico. Has a nice ring, doesn't it? Reader Raoul McPeters of Hobbs says Casper is the ideal name for the Hobbs Ghost Town. An invitation to New Mexicans to name the 15 square-mile town without inhabitants, a billion dollar venture to study futuristic technology, brought responses from Clovis, Sandia Park, Alamogordo, Las Cruces, Carlsbad, Albuquerque and Williamsburg. Williamsburg? It is a small village nestled near Truth or Consequences. T or C, as it is known, is the only New Mexico community which sold its nam...

  • Ghost town spooky to some

    Ned Cantwell State columnist

    Casper, New Mexico. Has a nice ring, doesn't it? Reader Raoul McPeters of Hobbs says Casper is the ideal name for the Hobbs Ghost Town. An invitation to New Mexicans to name the 15 square-mile town without inhabitants, a billion dollar venture to study futuristic technology, brought responses from Clovis, Sandia Park, Alamogordo, Las Cruces, Carlsbad, Albuquerque and Williamsburg. Williamsburg? It is a small village nestled near Truth or Consequences. T or C, as it is known, is the only New Mexico community which sold its nam...