Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Articles from the May 7, 2004 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • Restoration of old windmill gives a glimpse of history

    Freedom Newspapers

    Bill Dalley stands next to his latest windmill, a 14-foot Eclipse, at his outdoor museum in Portales. Freedom Newspapers: Kevin Wilson. Michelle Seeber: Freedom Newspapers PORTALES — With all the wind that blows in eastern New Mexico, it is no wonder that windmills were a factor in the settling of Roosevelt County. Before the invention of the windmill, travelers went from water hole to water hole in search of water. There were no streams or rivers nearby from which to glean the liquid so essential for life. It was the w...

  • Mom made extra effort

    Clyde Davis: Local columnist There was the time when she showed up at one of my high school wrestling matches. It was a very normal event, you see, for my father to show up for matches, both high school and college. He was likely to show up whether I was competing or not, for he enjoyed watching the sport regardless of who was on the mat. She showed up that day, however, because my dad could not be there for one reason or another. You need to understand that the standard joke among wrestlers was (maybe still is) that you can...

  • Secret to computer health is tight security

    Tom DiFrancesca: Internet Safari Worms, I wish I were talking about the wiggly kind that we take fishin’ with us, but no, I am writing about the Internet type today. The “Sasser Worm” started off by plaguing computers in Taiwan last weekend, and then with a fury, it starting striking computers in North America on Monday morning. By mid-week, millions of personal and work computers had been stricken. The primary result of a computer being “contaminated” with the new worm virus is that the computer will just keep re-bootin...

  • Engagements 5/9

    Moore-Chavez Dawson Chavez, Connie and Dwain Gee and Jeff and Melissa Moore, all of Clovis, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their mother and daughter, Conlea Moore of Clovis, to Elias Chavez of Clovis, son of Sam and Helen Martinez of Clovis. The couple will exchange vows at 4 p.m. on July 24, 2004, at Kingswood Methodist Church in Clovis. The reception will be at Kingswood Methodist Church in Clovis fellowship hall. The bride-elect is a 2003 graduate of Eastern New Mexico University. She is employed at... Full story

  • School Menus 5/9

    Clovis •Elementary Monday: Breakfast —Breakfast burrito, juice, milk. Lunch — Chicken patty on a bun, fries, lettuce, pickles, pears, milk. Tuesday: Breakfast — Egg and biscuit, juice, milk. Lunch — Spaghetti, green beans, salad, ranch dressing, roll, milk. Wednesday: Breakfast — Cowboy bread, juice, milk. Lunch — Taco salad, salsa, pinto beans, strawberries and bananas, milk. Thursday: Breakfast — Blueberry muffin, juice, milk. Lunch — Pork roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, English peas, orange smiles, roll, milk. Frida...

  • Senior Calendar 5/9

    La Casa De Buena Salud -1120 Cameo Monday: 9:30 a.m. — Blood pressure checks; 10 a.m. — HIBAC. Tuesday: 9 a.m. — Board of directors meeting; 11 a.m. — General senior meeting; Noon — Refreshmens. Wednesday: 10 a.m. — Blood sugar checks; 1 p.m. — Bingo; 1:30 p.m. — Blood pressure checks. Thursday: 10:30 a.m. — Indoor exercise; 1 p.m. — Spanish bingo. Friday: 9:30 a.m. — Blood pressure checks. Daily: Exercise equipment, 8-ball, 9-ball and snooker, computer and internet, craft, ceramics, quilting, embroidery, puzzles, coffee and...

  • Reunions 5/9

    Circle Back Reunion II The Circle Back Reunion will be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 26, at the Sudan High School Cafeteria. For more information contact Mary Gage Hanna at 806-385-7407....

  • Club Notes 5/9

    Altrusa International Inc., of Clovis Altrusa International Inc., of Clovis met at Muffley’s Back Door for its regular dinner meeting on April 12, 2004. During the meeting the club assembled “In the Beginning” baskets to be delivered to The Women’s Clinic. The baskets will be distributed to new mothers when their babies are born. Each basket includes a Baby Einstein tape, an infant book, a small stuffed animal and a lullaby diskette. The club drove for meals on wheels the week of April 26. Five members of Altrusa of Clovis...

  • A mother's angst

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    On most Sundays, Judy Tedrow’s role at Central Christian Church is to serve as youth director. This Sunday — Mothers’ Day — will be different. Judy Tedrow will lead the Sunday service in place of her husband, Pastor Larry Tedrow, and conduct a drama presentation of the role of the Virgin Mary describing her experiences as the mother of Jesus Christ. Tedrow’s presentation will be during the 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning worship service at the church, located at 300 West 14th Street. “I did this last year around Easter at a couple...

  • Haney, Tommy

    Tommy Haney Services: Have been held. Mr. Tommy L. Haney, 64, of Lubbock, died Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at University Medical Center in Lubbock. He was born on Feb. 24, 1940. He had lived in Clovis for many years where he worked in music and entertainment and for the Pepsi Cola company. He traveled as a band leader with Loretta Lynn and was a band member for many years with Tiny Lynn. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters; three brothers; two daughters; and a son. Survivors include his wife, Dorthy Haney of...

  • First Baptist hosting annual Bible conference

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    Churches from New Mexico and west Texas will be sending members and leaders to First Baptist Church of Texico for the church’s annual Bible conference beginning Sunday. Started 22 years ago, the Texico Annual Bible Conference is free to the public. This year’s conference will bring the pastor of one of New Mexico’s largest churches and a professor at a major Southern Baptist seminary to the four-day series of presentations and Bible lessons. “The conference was started to equip the saints,” said Pastor Rob Hollis of First...

  • Alliance recruiting drama performer

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    The Clovis Christian Ministerial Alliance decided Thursday morning to bring a man to Clovis who recites the entire Gospel of John from memory as part of a drama presentation. Brad Sherrill, the presenter, is coming on Sept. 18 to Sandia Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque and the Rev. Brad Reeves of Kingswood United Methodist Church said the Clovis association would be able to bring him to Clovis for minimal travel cost if the association arranged to have him in Clovis the next day. The association agreed to have Sherrill...

  • A mother's day tribute

    Gary Mitchell

    Editor’s note: Amos is a church mouse, who types by hurling himself at the keys, but he can’t use the capital shift keys, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes. a mother s day tribute boss i was searching for kite string the other day for my little niece annie marie when i stumbled across some old photos of me and mom there i was dressed up like the lone raider you remember him boss the masked mouse who rode his matchstick horse for cheese and justice for all and there was mom with a bandana on her head...

  • Mother's influence lasts well beyond her lifetime

    Judy Brandon

    When I was a child, I always enjoyed summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. They lived in Central Arkansas about 65 miles from Little Rock. The highway that took us there meandered through rolling hills, thick brush, Burma Shave signs and small communities. My sister Susie and I found much to do on those summer trips. One of our favorite activities was spending time at the little grocery store down the highway from our grandparents’ house. A lady named Mrs. Hutchinson, al... Full story

  • Religion Briefs 5/7

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    Clovis hosting state women’s convention The State Women's Convention of the Church of God in Christ is coming to Clovis from May 18- 21. Services will be each night at 7:30 p.m. at the First Church of God in Christ in Clovis at 3400 Vinton St., where Bishop Charles Green is the pastor. For information, contact Mother Lula Kitchen, supervisor of women for the New Mexico Jurisdiction of the denomination, at 434-3221. Country Gospel singer performing Myra Green will present two Country Gospel concerts in Clovis. On Sunday, G...

  • Religion Calendar 5/7

    Today Singles Living in Christ — 7 p.m., First Church of the Nazarene, 1800 N. Norris St., Clovis. Child care is provided. For information, call 763-3141 or 762-6639. Saturday Bible Study Services — 6 p.m., Clovis Church of God, 307 N. Lea St. For information, call 742-1913. Sunday Alpha Course and supper — 5 p.m. at St. James Episcopal Church fellowship hall, 1115 North Main St. For information, call 763-4638. Myra Green Country Gospel Concert — 6 p.m., Forrest Heights Baptist Church, 1701 S. Prince St. Monday Cowboy...

  • Locals gather in prayer

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    Rhonda Boswell, of Clovis, bows her head during prayer services during the National Day of Prayer ceremonies Thursday outside the Master’s Center. CNJ staff photo: Eric Kluth. The National Day of Prayer drew nearly 150 people to a Thursday noon prayer rally in the parking lot of the Master’s Christian Center. Even more came at various times during the day to a 24-hour prayer vigil sponsored by 21 local churches. Starting with the very first speaker, the Rev. Steven Brown of the Matt. 25 Hope Center, prayer leaders said the...

  • State may take over nursing home; owner shocked

    Darrell Todd Maurina

    A Clovis nursing home could be taken over by the state if regulators prove in court that deficiencies at the facility place its more than 30 residents in “immediate jeopardy.” State regulators called a press conference in Santa Fe Thursday to announce that Buena Vista Nursing Home in Clovis is one of three facilities they cited for improper care following an undercover investigation. However, Buena Vista’s owner said state officials haven’t yet told him what he did wrong and that he first heard of the situation when reporte...

  • Base closures may be delayed

    David Arkin: CNJ correspondent Cannon Air Force Base and hundreds of other military bases across the country may not face closures until 2007 under legislation that was approved on Thursday. The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness passed a bill on Thursday in Washington, D.C., that would delay the Base Realignment and Closure Commission from closing bases by two years. The U.S. Department of Defense is planning to cut as much as 25 percent of the existing base capacity in the next round of cuts, which begins in...

  • Cheese plant agreements approved

    Jack King

    The City Commission approved three agreements related to launching the Southwest Cheese Plant in Curry County at its meeting Thursday. Unanimously approved were a project participation agreement, a memorandum of understanding and approval of preliminary engineering work on a pipeline and storage lagoon to handle the cheese plant’s wastewater discharge. Under the terms of the project participation agreement, the city of Clovis will pay Southwest Cheese $6,550,000 in city economic development tax funds, plus up to $250 m... Full story

  • Mexico issues mean Cuba losing support

    Freedom Newspapers

    Cuban President Fidel Castro says it shows Mexico has become a lackey of the United States. Armand Peschard-Sverdrup, director of the Mexico Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, however, said the expulsion of Cuba’s ambassador to Mexico and the recall of Mexico’s ambassador to Cuba “is indicative of Mexico’s more independent foreign policy. Mexico has matured and evolved and Cuba hasn’t.” There’s also some fascinating political intrigue behind the action. The ostensible reason for th...

  • Mother's Day can be for children, too

    Freedom Newspapers

    Helena Rodriguez: Local columnist Mother’s Day is a time to tell our mother’s how much we love them. I love you, Mom. But how many of us mothers take time to show our children how much they have blessed our lives as well? Because of them, we have the greatest job descriptions on Earth that no man can fill. On this Mother’s Day, I’ve written this missive of love to my daughter. My Dearest Little Laura: On this Mother’s Day — With all the maternal love you can only begin to imagine — I wish for you a lifetime of failures, setba...

  • Redistricting power is killing democracy

    Steve Chapman

    Steve Chapman: Syndicated columnist In the heyday of communism, lots of countries held regular elections but never seemed to vote anyone out of office. The people in power always won. The “democratic” procedures were just a facade disguising the irrelevance of the people. Back then, Americans felt our system was superior, because we could actually remove our lawmakers. But like the Cold War, that system is just a dim memory. Americans continue to have the forms of democracy, but the substance has mostly evaporated. And tha...

  • Cancer mixes physician's personal, professional life

    Capt. Kirin Madden: Guest columnist Relay for Life has a lot of meaning for me, both personal and professional. Like most people, cancer has touched my life and made its impression on my soul. As a physician, I spend a lot of time and energy looking for cancer through a variety of screening exams. In a clinical and detached way this goes through my mind so many times a day that it doesn’t really mean anything. Yet, the times I really suspect cancer or find it, my mind races and I search for all the possible solutions for t... Full story

  • ENMR sponsors $25,000 scholarship


    ENMR Plateau, in partnership with the National Telecommuni-cations Cooperative Association’s Foundation for Rural Service, sponsored a college scholarship program to award a $2,500 scholarship to a local high school senior, according to a press release from ENMR Plateau. Winning one of this year’s scholarships is Hailey Lee. Lee, daughter of Scott and Aprile Lee of McAlister, graduates from House High School this spring and plans to attend the University of New Mexico in the fall. The scholarships are intended to offer you... Full story

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