Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
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At the Eastern New Mexico University Board of Regents special meeting Thursday: • President Steven Gamble said the campus had a record number of participants in summer camps. • The board approved spending $740,000 to renovate the University Annex in Portales, creating an animal science laboratory as well as a welding shop shared by the agriculture and art programs. Portales campus Vice President of Business Affairs Scott Smart said the state Higher Education Department had approved the project at a cost of...
It’s been said nothing can stop a speeding train. Well I beg to differ. Mother nature not only stops a train in this week’s video selection, she blows one off the track . During a storm in January 2008, featuring 165 mph winds, a train was traveling through McHenry County, Ill., and unsuspectedly into the path of a tornado. There was a video camera mounted to the back of the locomotive. The sky appears to be partly cloudy, sun otherwise nice day. Within a mile or two, the situation gets ugly. Rain, followed by...
It was one of those surreal moments in a cowboy’s life that you’ll recall in vivid technicolor years later when you’re living in the senior center trying to balance your checkbook on the TV remote. Like the time you roped with Fred Whitfield, or got into vet school, or wrote your first alimony check. I was sitting at the Stockmen’s Casino counter in Elko breaking fast with Rodney discussing our lumps and bumps, when he asked if I had ever tried the Breath of Fire Kundalini. I responded that I didn’t care for Italian f...
Clovis commissioners began the process Thursday to raise $7 million by renewing an existing gross receipts tax. Cash generated by a bond sale will be used to improve and repair the wastewater treatment plant. The tax is earmarked to retire the bond and amounts to 1.225 percent on the dollar. An ordinance approving extension of the tax was placed on first reading and will be advertised. The tax would remain in place until the bond issue is retired in 2030. City Attorney Dave...
Good morning and welcome to the Freedom New Mexico Friday briefing. Rodeo time The High Plains Junior Rodeo finals ride into town Monday at the Curry County Events Center and...
Good morning and welcome to the Freedom New Mexico Friday briefing. Rodeo time The High Plains Junior Rodeo finals ride into town Monday at the Curry County Events Center and...
Freedom New Mexico: Jared Tucker Consultants, lawyers and board members prepare for the Eastern New Mexico Water Authority meeting Thursday at the Texico Fire Department. The board approved a finance plan for the $500 million Ute Lake water project. Jared Tucker The Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority approved a finance plan Thursday required to obtain federal money for the $500 million Ute Water project. The seven-member board, representing communities across eastern New Mexico, also decided to buy excess water from...
Jared Tucker The Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority approved a finance plan Thursday required to obtain federal money for the $500 million Ute Water Project. The 7-member board representing communities across eastern New Mexico also decided to buy excess water from private landowners. The finance plan calls for issuing $15 million in water authority bonds in 2015, and another $14.3 million in 2017. The plan was approved unanimously, and estimates the production cost of water being $2.80 per 1,000 gallons —...
Burgers, sack races, ring tosses and live music are all on the lineup for a community carnival this month. The Portales Senior Center is hosting a carnival designed for all ages. “It’s something the whole family can come and enjoy,” said Miriam Welker, president of the Portales Senior Citizens organization. Welker expects the carnival to include about half a dozen activities for small children, games such as ring tosses and competitions for all ages in horse shoes, sack races, three-legged races and tug-of-war. She said...
Saturday Food and clothing give away — 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Matt 25 Hope Center. Information: 763-4400 Sunday Worship service — 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., Central Baptist Church. Sunday Worship — 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with Sunday school at 9:15 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church ELCA, 1705 West 21st Street. Information: 763-4816 Worship Service — 9 a.m., Word of God Lutheran Church, LCMC, 'The Chapel', 1500 N. Thornton. Sunday school — 9:30 a.m., Living Stones Community Church of the Nazarene Men’s n...
CNJ staff photo: Liliana Castillo Xcel Energy linemen Charles Lott, left, and Chris Padilla, right, have both competed in the Linemen's Rodeo twice. Clovis Xcel Energy linemen Chris Padilla, 26, and Charles Lott, 33, will be competing in the 19th annual Lone Star Lineman’s Rodeo Saturday at Xcel’s new Amarillo Technical Center. The two friends said the recent stormy summer has kept them busy and away from practice but the competition showcases the work they do each day. What is a Lineman’s Rodeo? The event showcases and f...
The Clovis Municipal Schools board of education is hosting a community reception for Superintendent Terry Myers from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday at the administration building board room. The board chose Myers as superintendent July 7. Myers is expected to begin his duties in Clovis on Aug. 1....
Gary Mitchell: Religion columnist amos the churchmouse: a view from under the pew Editor’s note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hurling himself at the keys, but he can’t use the capital shift keys, and he shuns punctuation marks – except dashes and hyphens. amos and the ugly mole boss i was looking at my reflection in the toilet bowl the other day and i noticed a growth just under my whiskers what is that i asked myself and i leaned over for a closer look and nearly fell in it was a mole exclamation point here boss...
“I really wanted this shoe leather on my boots,” he grumbled. That ruffled my feathers. My husband could have said, “You really cooked this piece of ham well.” When I saw him sharpen a cutting knife and then attack that piece of ham like a chain saw, I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s hard for me to deal with criticism. Keeping my cool when criticized is emotionally draining. Okay, so I left the ham in the oven too long. “Let’s not waste it. Go ahead and tack it on your boot!” Now he laughed. I’ve discovered flaws I find in othe...
Danielle Jimenez is the outreach representative for the New Mexico New Hires Directory, a division of the Child Support Enforcement office of the state of New Mexico. Here’s a snippet of a recent editorial she submitted to newspapers across the state:...
Two powerful intellectual developments are ruining America. One is egalitarianism, the other pragmatism. The former is an effort at the highest levels of American education, at institutions such as Harvard University and the University of Chicago, for example, to help establish a regime or political system that has as its firm and unrelenting goal to make all people equal in the benefits and burdens they enjoy and shoulder in their lives — economic, educational, medical, psychological, etc. The clarion call of this...
Congressional Republicans are part of a strategic legislative challenge to roll back Obamacare. The effort no doubt will be fruitless this year, but it sets the stage for November electioneering, which could lead to substantive legal challenges in next year’s new Congress if the GOP gains significantly, perhaps even winning control of one or both houses. “Even if the bills don’t advance,” the Sacramento Bee noted recently, “the issue is sure to provide fodder in this year’s political campaigns, with Republicans calculating...
Two powerful intellectual developments are ruining America. One is egalitarianism, the other pragmatism. The former is an effort at the highest levels of American education, at institutions such as Harvard University and the University of Chicago, for example, to help establish a regime or political system that has as its firm and unrelenting goal to make all people equal in the benefits and burdens they enjoy and shoulder in their lives — economic, educational, medical, psychological, etc. The clarion call of this...
Judy Brandon: Religion columnist Remember those Lincoln Logs? I was surprised to see a cylinder box of Lincoln Logs on a store shelf and that triggered some memories of my parents’ seminary days when Susie and I spent much time with Grandma Wells. The seminary daycare was located in the middle of campus in the basement of the administration building. Grandma Wells was sole supervisor and in her charge were children whose parents were in seminary classes. The basement d...
I was the oldest of four kids, which made me sort of a trailblazer who did all the new or experimental stuff first — good or bad, often bad. When I finished the eighth grade at our country school, my parents faced a dilemma. The nearest town (that had a high school) was 50 miles from the ranch. My parents dealt with the problem the same way many ranch families did in those days (40, 50, 60 years ago). Rather than board me with a family they hardly knew in town, they moved my mom and us kids to a house we owned in our...
Congressional Republicans are part of a strategic legislative challenge to roll back Obamacare. The effort no doubt will be fruitless this year, but it sets the stage for November electioneering, which could lead to substantive legal challenges in next year’s new Congress if the GOP gains significantly, perhaps even winning control of one or both houses. “Even if the bills don’t advance,” the Sacramento Bee noted recently, “the issue is sure to provide fodder in this year’s political campaigns, with Republicans calculating...
CNJ staff photo: Tony Bullocks Nita Howard of Portales will be teaching multiple Hebrew classes at Eastern New Mexico University. Students of Hebrew and Greek have a chance to enhance their college degrees as well as their minds with the institution of new minors at Eastern New Mexico University this coming fall. In addition to the existing minor in Greek, students can now minor in Hebrew or combine the two languages for a biblical languages minor, all through the department of religion. The classes are open to the...
The Clovis Municipal Schools’ Board of Education will host a community reception to welcome the District’s new Superintendent, Terry Myers, on Monday, July 19th, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, at the Administration Building Board Room, 1009 Main Street. The event offers parents, staff, residents, and community leaders the opportunity to meet Mr. Myers. By a unanimous 5-0 vote at the July 7th meeting, the Board named Terry Myers the District’s new Superintendent. Myers, 54, has served as the Superintendent of Schools in Mount Pleas...
At the Eastern New Mexico University Board of Regents special meeting Thursday: • President Steven Gamble said the campus had a record number of participants in summer camps. • The board approved spending $740,000 to renovate the University Annex in Portales, creating an animal science laboratory as well as a welding shop shared by the agriculture and art programs. Portales campus Vice President of Business Affairs Scott Smart said the state Higher Education Department had approved the project at a cost of...