Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

To the graduate, with love

Dear graduate,

We have watched you grow up with great pride. You have become a great generation. You have seen the frailties of our culture, yet you remain strong in your resolve. You have been bombarded by visual ugliness in all kinds of media, but you still stand up for the good. We salute you!

We have great hopes for you. You are our tomorrows and we are confident of your ability. We have seen the depths of your integrity and your dreams for a better world.

Your strength of character prevails and the voice of freedom is your battle cry. Our future is in your hands, and they are good hands!

You have an inner strength with the knowledge of the “Greater One” who lives in you. Nothing is impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20)

We now pass the baton to your hands. We do it with assurance. You are world-changers. Your unselfishness, enthusiasm for life, and faith in God will guide your way to success.

You are the research scientists who discover a cure for cancer. You are the leaders who pave the way for a better tomorrow. You are the stability of society, standing all the while for righteousness and truth. You are the ones who bring light to a dark world. Your optimistic outlook, despite the problems, will bring encouragement to troubled souls.

You will demonstrate love where there is hate. You will give up the right to retaliate when others slight, criticize or ignore you. Because you are a child of the King, you will reign! You will press on to a better world of your making.

You will learn that trials are simply tests of faith that lead to higher accomplishments. You are builders, overcomers and conquerors. We are on your side. How exciting is your future.

Go dear graduate. May blessings pursue and overtake you as you pursue God’s plan for your life.

“Run with patience the race that is set before you” ( Hebrews 12:1) and rejoice in the shadow of your Savior’s wings.

Take flight, dear graduate. Soar to the heights God has intended for you. Keep that childlike faith. Never give up on your dreams. God and you are a majority. With him, you cannot fail.

You are valuable to God and to us. You will never be out of our love or our prayers.

The world is waiting for you!

“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:24-27).