Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

amos finds his true love

Gary Mitchell and Amos

Editor’s note: Amos is a church mouse who types by hurling himself at the keys, but he can’t use the shift keys and he shuns punctuation marks — except the hyphens and dashes.

In light of the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, Amos himself asked about our recapping his finding the love of his life, Jenny, the cute little girl mouse next door. In fact, it has become something of a problem. It has been rather difficult trying to make Amos keep up with his writing. Normally, he’s always eager to write and grateful for the opportunity to do it. But there is nothing “normal” about his behavior now. He just sits on the space bar and stares into space. It appears that he’s fallen in love (although he prefers to say that he “grew in love” — and it does seem to have a more natural ring to it) with the little girl mouse next door. As his love grew, our paper supply dwindled proportionately. He wrapped her flowers with and wrote her songs and poems on our newsprint, Kleenex tissue paper, toilet paper and whatever napkins were around. She’s about all he thinks of anymore, so he presents this week’s column:

boss my head is spinning - i

suppose you found out about

jenny the mouse next door i

noticed the little freeway you

built from my matchbox to

hers and the two signs at

each end that read sourly



maybe i didn t appreciate it

at the time boss but that phrase

says quite a lot after all what

is love but a deeper

communication - one that is

more than just the sharing of

words and thoughts but the

sharing of ourselves

i feel a feeling

composed of many feelings

none of which resemble

heartburn or acid indigestion

as you so profoundly suggested

yesterday and my love wasn t

at all affected by your


my love ripples and flows within

me its swells lash into the boat-

filled bays of my consciousness

affecting even the dirt beaches

of my external world - jenny s

love for christ and for me has

deepened my own awareness

and love for christ in fact it

has made my life an amplifier

of his love everywhere

for when two in love

love jesus more

jesus loves through the two

deeper than either loved before

looking at this now boss i

think a mouse s efforts would

be in vain

and have no purpose

if he knows no experience

of jesus love -

his would be the empty life


p s - boss about the paper

supply i don t know what

you ve been doing with it all

but we re running low on

copy paper so when you order

the next ream get the kind

with the yellow and blue

flowers and ducks all over

it jenny likes the flowers i

like the ducks