Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Police Blotter 2/10

Responding about 8 a.m. Feb. 13 to a burglary at the 500 block of Wallace, police spoke with a 17-year-old girl whose mother had reported her as a runaway. The girl said she had been living with her boyfriend for the last six months because her mother had thrown her out of the house, that she had actually been raised by her grandmother for the first 16 years of her life until custody reverted to her biological mother after her grandmother’s death, and that her mother had been fraudulently collecting Social Security checks on her behalf. The mother denied the allegations and said police should check her daughter’s arrest record. Police referred the case to the Children, Youth and Families Division whose agents said they already had a file on the situation.

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A Clovis woman called police about 9 a.m. Feb. 13 to the 700 block of Sandia regarding a hood that had been stolen off her Honda ULX station wagon. Police found a number of footprints in the snow around the vehicle and verified with the owner that no items other than the hood had been removed from the car even though the vehicle doors were ajar.
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The owner of a business on the 400 block of West Seventh Street called police about 9 a.m. Feb. 13 to report that someone had shot the doors of his store. Police found that one of the doors had two holes and a second door had a single hole, all of which appeared to have been made by a firearm.
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Police responded about 10:50 a.m. Feb. 13 to a one-vehicle crash with injuries at the corner of 16th and Prince streets. The driver of a 1991 Plymouth van said she had been southbound on Prince in the inside lane and was changing lanes to the outside lane when she hit a patch of ice and lost control, sliding off the roadway and striking a fence. A 4-year-old male passenger was not in a child safety seat and struck his head on the dashboard. Police cited the driver for no child restraint.
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Staff at a local college called police about 11 a.m. Feb. 13 to report a missing data/video projector worth more than $5,000. A search of the premises failed to find the missing item.
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A Clovis business called police about 3:50 p.m. Feb. 13 to the 600 block of Georgia regarding a counterfeit $20 bill found in the cash drawer. Staff said the bill was paid by a customer and found at the end of the business day.

Police Blotter is compiled by CNJ staff writer Darrell Todd Maurina. He can be contacted at 763-6991 or: [email protected]