Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Reflection on 'Passion'

“The Passion” confirmed to me what I already had long held in my heart. In fact, I experience some of the same feelings during communion.

Mel Gibson has brought to the world a vivid realization of the depths of love and sacrifice of this man, Jesus. This man, human yet divine, displayed love in its highest degree. He willingly gave his life to be tortured, abandoned, ridiculed, shamed and rejected. Such love goes beyond understanding. Where would any of us be without the blessed hope of the resurrection?

Critics have voiced opinions about the violence of the film, yet how many films, now and years passed, have reeked with extreme violence? Where were the objections then? Today’s films are filled with profuse profanity and gutter language. I can’t help but notice no one takes the enemy’s name in vain, but many certainly take God and the name of Jesus in vain. To me this very fact attests to the authenticity of our Lord.

I admire the faith and courage of Mel Gibson’s character to produce such a film.

The acting is superb. The scenes are realistic and the message is clear: Jesus suffered that we might not have to. Because of that suffering we can have glory in eternity.

The declining culture of today needs a wake-up call. God is being removed from every visage of our lives — the pledge of allegiance, the Ten Commandments, prayer, nativity scenes, Bible reading — and the list goes on.

I want to leave a good life for my children and grandchildren. Leaving a legacy of love and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest inheritance of all.

John 14:6 teaches us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Is it any wonder he said: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” Matthew 7:13-14 NIV).

Thank God there is a way. His name is “Jesus.” If Mel Gibson’s film shocks the world into reality, then he has done a great service. How much further can the chaotic culture of today go down the slippery slope of indecency and immorality?

Our lives have a purpose. If nothing else, I believe Mel Gibson’s film causes thoughts about where we are headed in this nation. Life has consequences for bad behavior in the physical and in the spiritual realm of our lives. Every one of us has sinned. Only Jesus can cure this incurable disease. Without him our lives can crumble like a house of cards. Sooner or later a reckoning does come.

But there is hope. Hope for a better life here and the blessed hope of heaven. Jesus is that hope. To refuse that hope and to reject the pain and suffering Jesus went through to give such a precious gift is to have no hope at all.

It is my prayer that the film brings a realization of life’s purpose, the truth of God’s word and the depths of sacrificial love Jesus has for you and for me.

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:

[email protected]