Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Gary Mitchell: Amos
Editor’s note: Amos is a church mouse, who types by hurling himself at the keys but he can’t use the capital shift keys and he shuns punctuation marks – except for hyphens and dashes.
amendments to solomon s proverbs
boss i ve run across
some quippy sayings
compiled by perry
tanksley some of them
particularly relate to
the church pew
underworld and i just had
to share them with you
for example one adage
states that some
church members have
faces long enough to
make a mule jealous
and here are some notes
on cooperation
so we plow along
said the fly to the ox
boy we sure shook that
bridge said the mouse
to the elephant
let s not be stepping on
each other said the flea
to the dog
samuel johnson once said
he was dull in a new way
and that made many think
him great
someone once quipped that
adam was the only
indispensable man in history
a great many people - like
cats - lick themselves
with their own tongues
a fish could stay out of
trouble if it could keep
its mouth closed
as frank hubbard once said
why doesn t the fellow who
says - i m no speech maker -
let it go at that instead of
giving a demonstration
on the subject of religion
lyman abbot once said
religion is the life of god
in the soul of man
c s lewis once suggested
that everyone says forgiveness
is a lovely idea until they have
something to forgive
people green with envy are
ripe for trouble
one of my favorite writers
boss is james thurber who
once described an acquaintance -
while he was not dumber than
an ox he was not any smarter
some people suppose they
have a clear conscience
when actually they have a
poor memory
one is either a second-mile
christian or else he is a
second-rate christian
the bible says to bear
one another s burden
not to bear down on them
charles spurgeon once advised
young ministers in training -
learn to say - no - it will be
of more use to you than to be
able to read latin
fred beck says you can t build a
church with stumbling blocks
it s far better to be alone
than in bad company
and boss i especially like
george eliot s remark -
animals are such agreeable
friends they ask no questions
they pass no criticisms
billy sunday had good advice
to husbands for their wives -
try praising your wife even if
it does frighten her at first
and to conclude this episode
on quotable quotes boss i call
upon the wit of robert benchley
who once remarked - drawing
on my fine command of language
i said nothing