Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

May 5 Elida News

Birthdays May 8-14

Leslie May, Tommy Moore, Natalie Winders, Sara Anderson, Teo Graves, Teresa Howard, Lesa Manis, Kendra Dixon, and Kimberly Howard.

Wedding Anniversaries: Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hamilton.

National Day of Prayer

Thursday is National Day of Prayer. There will be a prayer service under the Pavilion on the square at noon that day. Come and join as we pray for our nation and overseas personnel.


The men’s breakfast at the Elida Baptist Church will be held Saturday at 7 a.m. All men are invited to come share a good meal and fellowship.

Mother’s Day

Sunday is Mother’s Day. Be sure to remember yours with lunch out or a call or a card to let her know you are thinking of her.


The Elida School baccalaureate will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday at 7 p.m. Mary Sue Hull will bring the service. A reception will follow. All are invited to come and share this time together.

Around Town

Joe and Maxine Smith recently shared their wedding anniversary at their home with family and friends.

We hear that B.J. Radcliff has recently undergone surgery and is recovering at her daughter’s residence in Roswell.

The son and family of Donald and Juanita Graves recently lost their home to fire. No one was hurt but they lost everything else.

Others to keep on your prayer list are: Fred Anthony, Kodie Armitaage, Kasy Ford, Brett Hamilton, Montie and Fern Cochrain, David and Delma Graves, Kent Winders, Bennie Thurman, Laura Wilson, those in area nursing homes, our overseas personnel and the leaders of our governments.

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