Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club Notes 5/9

Altrusa International Inc., of Clovis

Altrusa International Inc., of Clovis met at Muffley’s Back Door for its regular dinner meeting on April 12, 2004. During the meeting the club assembled “In the Beginning” baskets to be delivered to The Women’s Clinic. The baskets will be distributed to new mothers when their babies are born. Each basket includes a Baby Einstein tape, an infant book, a small stuffed animal and a lullaby diskette.

The club drove for meals on wheels the week of April 26.

Five members of Altrusa of Clovis attended the annual District Conference in Tucumcari on April 28 through May 1.

Those attending were Sylvia Bean, Kathy Travis, Lyn Henderson, Nancy Taylor and Phyllis Davidson.

Davidson made a presentation on Altrusa Orientation at the conference. She was assisted by Lyn Henderson, Kathy Travis, and Frankye King of Portales.

Travis was a first timer at the conference and was awarded a candle holder for selling the most foundation tickets at conference.

Taylor, a former District 10 governor, was awarded the Governor’s Award. This is a very prestigious award and resulted in a $500 donation being sent to Altrusa Foundation in Taylor’s name. She becomes a Lamplighter as a result and will enjoy lifetime membership.She was also recognized for sponsoring new members into the local club.

District Ten Conference is held annually in a different city which has an Altrusa Club. District 10 is comprised of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

Curry County Federated Republican Women (CCFRW)

President Carolyn Shipley presided over the April 13, meeting with 24 members and guests in attendance. The March minutes were corrected and approved; the treasurer’s financial report was approved as presented.

Meeting guests and presenters were welcomed: Rep. Anna Crook, R-Clovis; Sen. Gay Kernan, R-Hobbs; Pam Zimmerman; Blni Dampier; Brett Johnson; and George Buffett.

Rube Render reported on the Central Committee. Hoyt Pattison introduced George Buffett, who is running for a National Committee position. Buffett explained the National Committee consists of 150 members: One man and one woman from each state, and the State Chairman. Members serve at their own expense.

Crook and Kernan discussed the recent legislative session, pointing out that 1,200 bills were introduced during the 30 day session with 126 signed by the Governor. Crook mentioned the gross receipts tax and the fact that New Mexico is one of only three states in the black financially.

Shipley thanked Vice President Judy Myrick for conducting the March meeting and arranging the meeting programs. Long-time CCFRW member Bertha Wells was recognized for her years of dedication and service.

The next CCFRW meeting is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday at the Fuzhou Buffet, 116 E. 21st Street in Clovis.

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