Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

June 16 Dora News

I’m sorry to say it’s still dry, dry, dry. There’s no forecast for any amount of measurable amount of rain. So I urge we all continue to pray for rain in abundance.

School Update

There is a new principal for the upcoming school year. He is Steve Barron, an Elida School graduate of former years. Having been raised there will be sort of like coming home. He is coming from Carrizozo Schools and we extend a welcome to our area to the family. They have two preschool-aged children and are scouting for a place to live in the area. If you know of any just call the school office at 477-2216.

We wish much success to Bill Stockton and his family as they move to Almogordo. He has been the Dora principal and girls basketball coach for some years and the family will be missed. Myra Skinner will be the girls new basketball coach.

Church News

Brian Townsend was out Sunday for our worship service in the morning. He gave a really good message. He is the BSU Director at Eastern.

Kathleen Taylor was able to be out Sunday,following an accident while training a mare two weeks ago. Thank God there were no broken bones. She was able to play the piano and also played the guitar and sing a special for us.

Vacation Bible Schools

The Church of Christ and Baptist are both planning Bible Schools for the summer, but dates have not been set yet. Just keep in touch.

Prayer Concerns

Rain Soon! For our President and all senators, congressmen right on down to our county and city officials. For each candidate seeking office. For our families, communities, schools, churches — that we each seek your will. For our sick to be restored to health, and for our bereaved to be comforted.

Charlie Sez: Look for the good in each person daily!