Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Upcoming Events
• There will be a Fire Meeting Thursday at 7pm in the fire house.
• 4-H will meet Monday night at 7 p.m. Members will be doing a trash walk around the highway through Floyd. There will be pizza afterward.
From the Village Office
• The Village of Floyd received two $25,000 grants towards the purchase of a new ambulance for the EMS department. We are in the process of getting a new ambulance ordered and hopefully get it here so that we can assist the school in standbys at home football games.
• The Village also received a New Mexico Clean and Beautiful grant in the amount of $1,000.
• The Village would like to announce the change of village council meeting nights. They are as follows: July 13, August 10, September 14, October 12, November 9 and December 14. Please note all Village Council meeting are open to the public. The meetings are at the Floyd Community Center at 7 p.m.
Wright Family Reunion
Sixty members of the W.T. Wright family gathered at the Floyd Community Building on June 18-19, where they indulged in lots of good food, reminiscing the past and introducing the young folks to each other. There was lots of interest in genealogy where lots of information was shared.
Local family members were Daffia Wright Bush of Portales. Her daughters and their families: Jima and Harold Widener of Floyd, Joel & Verna Widener & Kelby of Elida, Cathy & Richard Ryan & Maggie, Kaylie & Lauren of Gilbert, Ariz.
Elinda Wood of Floyd, Kyla & Clovis Gray & Kelsi & Trice of Portales.
Margie Plummer & Chance & Andrew of Dora. There were also many other members of the family there from Portales, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Minnesota, Colorado, and Oklahoma. Plans were made to meet in Littleton, Colorado for the next reunion in two years.