Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

July 7 South County News

Not as many showers the past week, so it gave the folk in the area time to prepare for the Milnesand reunion for Sunday.

There were 110 people who registered at the reunion in the Community Center at Milnesand.

Barbara Teel was in charge of the program and was emcee for the day. Jim Williamson and Elton Parkinson talked about past years of remembrances in the area.

Earlene Roberts Lovejoy talked abut the coming vote in the Senate on the sanctity of marriage. She encouraged everyone to be sure and call the two senators from our state — Jeff Bingamin at (202) 224-6621 or Pete Dominici at (202) 224-6621 — to let them know if you want the law to be one man and one woman to marry or to allow “same sex” marriages. She said it is time to let them know now before they go into their session before they go into their session next Monday.

There was an abundance of food for everyone and lots of visiting. The futherest were from Phoenix and Oklahoma.

Bro. Brad Morgan gave a short sermon and Rowena Preuit also had a few minutes to talk. I missed it this year but know I missed a wonderful day. It’s always good to see our friends of yesterday and share the in-between years.

Lightning Fire

Last week one night when the electrical storm was down south of the Dan Clifton ranch there was a grass fire from a lightning strike on the north part of the Pember ranch. The Causey and Milnesand fire trucks responded and got it out with three trucks pretty quickly. Elton Parkinson said it was so dark and there rough terrain but the fire only burned about 100 acres before it was out.


To all our rural fire and rescue departments for their willingness to serve in all these area.

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