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Underage sex videos land three adults in jail

Three Clovis residents are in jail on charges stemming from a series of sexual encounters with three underage females. Authorities said the incidents, which involve prostitution, were videotaped and photographed at a Clovis home.

Rockey Fleming, 40, a staff sergeant at Cannon Air Force Base, paid three girls — ages 13, 15 and 16 — between $1,000 and $2,000 to have sex with themselves or another man, Clovis Police Detective Matt Solari said. Fleming also had the encounters videotaped, then manufactured copies, Solari said.

The mother of one of the girls is accused of prostituting her daughter to Fleming. Marcus Ray, 18, is accused of having sex with one of the girls, according to court records the Clovis News Journal received from the district attorney’s office on Friday.

Ray was arrested in May and indicted on Monday, court records show.

Fleming was arrested on May 12 and the mother was arrested in late June.

All three suspects were still in jail on Saturday night.

Solari said Fleming — charged with over 100 counts of manufacturing child pornography — lured the girls into his home at 1509 Brentwood Drive via a Yahoo Internet New Mexico chat site.

“The worst part about it is this Rockey Fleming guy burned a DVD of the 15- and 16-year-old being with each other and taking their clothes off ... now you have distribution of it,” Solari said.

The 13-year-old girl’s mother, 41, is charged with 15 counts of sexual exploitation of children.

The Clovis News Journal is not releasing the woman’s name in an effort to protect the privacy of her daughter.

Ray is charged with having sex with the 15-year-old girl while Fleming or another person filmed the scene. He faces seven counts of sexual exploitation of children.

The case broke after police interviewed Fleming at Plains Regional Medical Center and later at a hospital in Lubbock in May, when Fleming was shot and beaten almost to death, Solari said.

Originally investigated as an attempted homicide, the focus changed when police entered his home to investigate the crime.

“As we get in his house it looks like a homicide scene. There’s blood all over the walls and a large amount of blood in his hallway,” Solari said. “While we’re inside, his room was an absolute mess and something didn’t look right. He had one room that was totally different from his room. The spare bedroom had a pink comforter, stuffed animals — it just raises the suspicion level.”

At an interview at the Lubbock hospital, police said Fleming granted them access to his computer. When police checked the laptop, they noticed the “wallpaper” on Fleming’s computer depicted two naked girls, the 15- and 16-year-old victims, both of Clovis, Solari said.

Fleming’s computer turned up more than 6,000 photos, still images and video clips of naked females, police allege.

“I went through each of those photos and identified the girls on the wallpaper, a (victim’s name) and another girl who I couldn’t locate,” Solari said.

In two of the videos, the 13-year-old’s mother can be seen while her daughter is undressing. In another video, Ray is having intercourse with the 15-year-old girl.

Solari said the girls told him they went to the home to be videotaped and photographed on more than five occasions during a five-month span dating back to June 2003.

Solari said the mother took her daughter to the Navajo Nation in northwest New Mexico prior to Fleming’s arrest. Solari said he was unable to get members of the Navajo Nation to release the woman. She was arrested when she returned to Clovis in June.

As for a possible suspect in Fleming’s beating, Solari said he’s hit a dead end in that investigation.

“He says he doesn’t remember what happened, but there’s no way he can’t know who did it to him. It almost looks like he was set up. He wasn’t just shot, he was beaten to a pulp,” Solari said.