Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Celebrities are just like the rest of us

Cara Correnti and Jay Ricci, the television news people from KVII in Amarillo, were here the other week.

I was in front of the Clovis/Curry County Chamber of Commerce office downtown. I saw Ricci, he shook my hand, I told him how I enjoyed KVII’s evening news.

Later I saw my friend Lizzie.

“Here,” I said, “shake this hand. Jay Ricci the TV news guy shook it and I haven’t washed up yet.”

Her amused reaction reminded me of encounters I’ve had with celebrities over the years.

The first celebrity I remember encountering was Allen Funt, host of the television show “Candid Camera.”

I was a little boy, our family was out to dinner and I spied him across the room. I pointed and my mom lightly spanked my hand.

“It’s not polite to point,” she said.

I asked my mom why Allen Funt got to chew with his mouth open and I didn’t. She just glared at me.

We were living in a town where the 1960s actor Troy Donahue was shooting a movie. I was on my way to the beach when I spied this crowd of people standing around this guy. I got in close and he stepped on my foot. He apologized and gave me his autograph.

I was 10 when I first saw a national politician up close. It was before I understood politics. Again, I was on my way to do something else when I saw this crowd of people. I went over to see what was going on. George Wallace was working his way through the crowd. He shook my hand.

The next day I told my teacher. She asked if I had washed my hands right away.

Richard Nixon was in Air Force One when it flew over our house. I don’t know if that counts as an encounter.

I’ve talked to performers, most of them in phone interviews, sometimes in person.

I met country singer/actor Dwight Yoakam just before an Amarillo concert a few years back. I was so excited I said something that was really out there (I honestly can’t remember what it was) and he just gave me a weird look.

I’ve been more excited to meet regional celebrities. The artist Diana Bryer came to Clovis a few months back. I have enjoyed her work for years. To me, her style and choice of colors capture the soul of New Mexico. It was a joy to meet her.

The most eye-opening encounter I ever had was when I tried to interview the folk-rock performer Stephen Stills (of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fame) for a college newspaper.

I was dining with my date before the evening’s concert when she spied Stills across the room. I went over and asked him if I could have an interview after the concert.

Stills shot a glance that could kill, then let loose with some colorful language berating me for interrupting his dinner.

I was stunned for a few days, came to realize he was right, but also came to realize something else. Probably a lot of folks in our area who’ve encountered those we consider “celebrities” realized the same thing: Celebrities put their shoes on just like the rest of us.

Fame just helps pay the bills.

Grant McGee hosts the weekday morning show on KTQM-FM in Clovis. Contact him at:

[email protected]