Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Group trying to compile Clovis Web sites

Tom Difrancesca: Internet Safari

H ave you heard of “The Clovis Experiment”? It’s an endeavor

to locate and catalog every single Web site that is associated with Clovis. That my friends is a massive endeavor, even for a small community.

As the directory is built and the activated links are provided, one will not only have access to commercially built Web sites, but those of non-profit organizations, local government, and also personal Web pages.

Another unique aspect of the project is that it will even provide links to Web sites/pages that are located all over the globe, they just have to mention Clovis in some way, shape, form or fashion. I’m really anxious to see how this whole thing will pan out. The project is strictly non-commercial, and the originators (who wish to remain anonymous for the time being) assure me that it will not cost anything to be listed within the directory.

There is something that you can personally do to help with this project if you’d like to, just jump over to: and then click on the link for the online submission form.

Use the form to submit as many Clovis related Web site addresses as you can. You don’t even have to provide your name or your e-mail address. Just type in a Web site title, provide a brief description, and then the Internet address (URL). You don’t have to worry about being added to anyone’s SPAM list or anything like that if you leave out your contact information. I noticed that the link submission form is provided free of charge by Bravenet, a Web site hosting and service company that offers a lot of free services, and quite a few reasonably priced paid services as well, you can check them out at

I’ve utilized their services off and on throughout the past four or five years, so I’m familiar with them.

I’d like to see everyone who reads this column really pitch in and help with the endeavor, I think it will definitely benefit everyone in the long run.

Helpful new Web site

Have you ever wished that you could just hop onto the Internet and quickly learn how to do something new — quickly? Say you are having problems with some Internet or computer-related issues, it’s 2 a.m. and you don’t dare call up your local computer guru friend and wake him up. Have I got a Web site for you, just navigate on over to

The creators of the site claim that there are more than 15,000 solutions to problems of all types, not just the computer and Internet kind. I counted 15 main categories and most of them had three or four sub-categories. I was impressed, and a whole lot smarter if you start using the site.

I’ve written about “Blogs” in the past. They are Web based logs or some might call diaries that are read by anyone who just happens upon them.

During last week’s Republican National Convention a lot of “Blogs” were created by those who feel that they had something to say in response (both good and bad) to what was taking place. A Web site was created to provide direct access to the content of the most popular convention-related “Blogs.” You will find lots of very interesting things to read at

Tom DiFrancesca III is a freelance columnist and a former resident of Clovis. He can be reached by way of

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