Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Sept. 12 Faith Triumphant News

School pictures are scheduled for Sept. 22 at 8:30 a.m. Order forms went home with students this week. Parents, please return the order form with payment to the office by Friday.

We will be having an athletics fundraiser in the very near future — be watching for details.

Arts programs

Students at Faith Triumphant are enjoying their new School of the Arts program on Fridays. Students are rehearsing drama projects based on nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Also, they are rehearsing material in their music and percussion classes for a patriotic concert.

Reading contest

Students in third grade through junior high will begin a reading contest that focuses on reading outside of the classroom. They will keep track of the books they read by placing spots with their name and the book they read to the giant dog posted in the hall of the school.

Documentary work

Our high school film class will begin filming their documentary by working on an immediate project involving filming people from the community. The topic is “America and Our Freedom.”

Chapel show

Chapel was a huge success this past week as students and staff were introduced to a group of puppets named the Fabulous Feathersome Four. Students and staff with birthdays were recognized, and Super Bible Guy made an appearance with his sidekick Al and Dummy Dude.

For more information about FTCS, visit the school online at New pictures have been added for parents and friends to view.

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