Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Police department wins awards

Cops and Courts

The Clovis Police Department received two awards Friday for above and beyond support for the New Mexico National Guard.

Police Chief Bill Carey received one award and the department received the other at an Employers Support Guard and Reserve Luncheon at K-Bob’s Steakhouse.

“We all support the Guard, these guys while they’re gone,” Carey said.

Six Clovis police officers in the past year have entered into active duty in the National Guard.

The event was hosted by City Manager Ray Mondragon. Cannon Air Force Base’s top boss, Col. John Posner, was among about 150 in attendance.


A medical evaluation is due on Friday on whether a Clovis man is competent to stand trial to defend 40 charges of sexual abuse and one charge of kidnapping.

District Judge Teddy Hartley sent Anastacio A. Esquibel, 22, to the Las Vegas Medical Center for a 90-day evaluation on June 16.

Esquibel, Harry Robbs, 41, and Billy Martin, 50, are still incarcerated on charges of sexually molesting 18 preteens at a home at 700 E. 10th St. in Clovis more than a year ago.

District Attorney Brett Carter said earlier this month he has been informed from medical personnel that Esquibel is competent to stand trial.

Officials with the district attorney’s office said Friday the medical report has not yet been submitted to the court.

Esquibel’s private attorney, Morris Stagner, has declined comment on the case.

Cops and Courts is compiled by CNJ correspondent John Randal and CNJ news editor Mike Linn. Linn can be contacted at 763-6991 or:

[email protected]

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