Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Veteran Clovis officer ends career

Cops and courts

The second in command at the Clovis Police Department has retired from the force after more than 30 years.

Deputy Chief R.E. “Bart” Bartosiewicz said his last official day will be Friday, but he’s on vacation until then.

“I’m tired of the (bull) and everything else that goes along with it. I’m tired of the nonsense ... just tired ... been doing (police work for) 36 years,” he said.

When asked to explain his comments, he said: “I don’t burn bridges, if you know what I mean.”

Bartosiewicz said he’d like to now pursue a career as an investigator for a local law firm.

City Manager Joe Thomas said Bartosiewicz had talked about resigning recently and the decision wasn’t surprising.

“He has every right to retire ... He’s earned that and I wish him the best,” Thomas said.

Police Chief Bill Carey said Bartosiewicz worked for Clovis police for almost 34 years and will be greatly missed.

“I’m going to miss him. He’s been a good partner, and has done an excellent job here,” Carey said.


The 9th Judicial District Court has been approved for a federal drug-court training grant and could see the implementation of a drug court as early as fall, said Michelle Reeves, drug-court coordinator.

The training grant gives the court priority for federal drug-court funding, Reeves said, and if the state Legislature awards a $240,000 request this session the court be up and running by September.

A drug court offers an alternative to jail time for drug and alcohol offenders. The program is strict and allows for frequent drug testing and counseling, officials have said. If a participant fails, the punishment is swift and often includes jail time, officials have said.

The grant pays for three training sessions, in January, May and September.

“If we do get funded we’re hoping to hit the ground running when it gets here,” Reeves said.

Reeves said $240,000 would help pay for counseling and substance abuse services offered by licensed counselors. Initially, the drug court would allow for between 15 and 20 participants at any one time. If the court receives more funds it could expand its services.


Officials with the New Mexico State Police will be conducting saturation patrols and checkpoints at various locations in New Mexico this holiday season, according to an NMSP press release.

Cops and Courts is compiled by CNJ news editor Mike Linn. He can be contacted at 763-6991 or:

[email protected]