Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Donation numbers drop for Salvation Army

The local Salvation Army raised $37,464.22 with its Christmas projects this season, officials said on Sunday.

The total is about $5,300 less than a year ago. Capt. Tammy Ray said the difference can be blamed largely on wintry weather.

“We had three days last week where we couldn’t get out (with donation kettles) because the weather was so bad,” Ray said. “That probably cost us $1,500 to $2,000 just because we didn’t have any kettles out.”

Ray and her husband, Capt. Kevin Ray, said they hope to receive additional donations from Wal-Mart, which has made a national pledge to match any funds raised in kettles outside its doors between Dec. 17 and Christmas eve. The Rays said the Wal-Mart donation, however, is a maximum of $1 million, so they don’t yet know how much the Clovis-Portales Salvation Army might receive.

Tammy Ray said this year’s Empty Stocking Fund, co-sponsored by the Clovis News Journal and Portales News-Tribune, received $5,395.20 in donations, about $600 more than a year ago.

The organization’s mail campaign received $13,350 this year, compared to about $11,000 a year ago.

The kettles, in seven locations, raised $18,719.02 — more than $8,000 less than a year ago, the Rays said.

In all, Tammy Ray estimated the Salvation Army assisted about 400 households with food, clothes and toys through the Empty Stocking Fund. She said about 700 children received toys and clothing through the Salvation Army’s angel-tree program at Wal-Mart and North Plains Mall.

Here is a list of those who donated to the Empty Stocking Fund. The Rays said more than $1,200 was donated anonymously.

2004 Empty Stocking Fund donations:

Patricia Boney: $261.50

Tony and Rose Romero: $100

Charles Taylor Jr.: $100

Dr. and Mrs. Allan Haynes: $50

Steven and Niki Harmon: $100

Crane Service Inc.: $200

Kim Johnson: $20

The Southwest Cheese Project Team: $1,405

David Travis: $50

Dorothy Dart: $100

John Schonberger: $100

Norma Patterson: $50

Clifton and Linda Brandon: $125

Bonnie L. Erlandson: $100

James and Joy Melton: $50

Colleen Yates: $25

Jerry and Sharon Muzik: $30

Gladys Castle: $20

Dr. Ellen Bral: $250

Leona Sikes: $100

Bettie and W.F. Miller Jr.: $25

Beverly Kimmel-Sullivan: $500

C.W. and Lawanda Frakes: $100

Michael Majors: $150

Bettie G. Miller: $50

Pat Wood: $50

Fred and Laveta Patterson: $30

B.J. Wagner: $15

Scotty Holmes: $15

Anonymous: $1,223.70

Total: $5,395.20

Empty stocking: $5,395.20

Kettle donations: $18,719.02

Mail donations: $13,350

Source: Salvation Army