Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Bohemian night: Nonsensical good time

Clyde Davis: CNJ columnist

What do you do with your creative urges? How do you listen to the muse which inspires you to express yourself in the presence of the Universe? Perhaps you are like me — the only music you can keep tune to is on the radio, and the only thing you can draw is flak when you say something dumb. So what do you do with your creativity?

There is another one coming up, this approaching weekend, Friday night to be exact. No, I am not referring to the Super Bowl. If you care in the least bit about that — and I do, especially given the Steelers’ probability — you will know that the Super Bowl is the first weekend of February.

This Friday is Bohemian Night.

The event will, as follows tradition, be held at the Main Arteri, at the corner of Fifth and Main streets in Clovis. It is open to the public; in fact, if the public did not attend, there would be no Bohemian Night. This is not a club or secret society. It is a good time covered-dish dinner, and a chance for folks to read their poems or short stories or essays, sing their songs, dance their dances, or show off their culinary skills.

It is not high tech. While I suppose most of us who bring something written have run it through the computer before we bring it, there is no need to be hooked up to the Web in order to attend Bohemian night. You come in person.

It is non-threatening. Nobody who attends has to read or display any of his or her creative work. You are welcome to sit and listen, appreciate, or cheer loudly if you so desire, without getting up and doing your own thing for the group. You are also welcome to participate.

It is non-fattening. You can, if you wish, avoid all fattening items at the potluck table. I don’t know if it is also low-carbohydrate, but our bodies need healthy carbs for energy, anyway.

It is non-sectarian, non-sexist, etc. Nowhere in the rules for Bohemian Night does it designate a particular creed or approach to life, except that those who come shall be prepared to have a good time.

It is non-discriminatory, in regards to your participation. As mentioned above, you may read, act, dance, sing, or contribute as you wish, if you wish. (My dogs even volunteered to do their rag-tugging routine for the group this time, but I have kind of discouraged this.)

It is non-costly. There is no cover charge, no hidden fee, and no membership donation required. You do not have to pay at the door, and so far we have not passed the collection plate.

So why not show up? There are not too many things to do on a cold Friday night, and certainly none more enjoyable that being a part of Bohemian night.

Clyde Davis is pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Portales and an instructor at Eastern New Mexico University. He can be contacted at:

[email protected]