Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Gary Mitchell: CNJ columnist
Editor’s note: Amos is a church mouse, who types by hopping on the computer keyboard, but he can’t operate the capital shift keys, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes.
amos learns god s ways
boss being a christian mouse
in a world of heathen alley
cats ain t easy to do
last sunday pastor
leroy beetle preached
about loving one
another and sharing with
those less fortunate and
the moment he said that
something inside my
little mousy heart went
pitter-pat pitter-pat
and i knew that
message was for me
that afternoon boss i
decided to show my love
to trigger the trap-door
spider by being nice to him
and giving him some of my
hard-earned cheese
it wasn t easy boss
you see i never really
liked trigger to start with
he was always playing
practical jokes on folks
like trapping freddie
the flea on his way
to tea with miss sally lee
or scaring little flies
and honey bees on their
way to biology
anyway i was supposed
to love trigger so i gathered
up my cheese and headed
for his place in the weeds
trigger says i
i want you to know
that jesus loves you and i
do too so here s some cheese
it s guaranteed to please from
your ears down to your knees
all right he grinned his
impish little grin thanks a lot
little tot now here s a plot
that s really hot try to leave
if you please you re in my trap
cause you got zapped and
looky here why it s marcellus
the cat fancy that
and boss in the wink of an eye
he flipped his trap and
snared my tail i was hooked
with nowhere to go staring in
the face of a hairy hell -
the mouth of marcellus
the hungry and ugly cat
but with a laugh trigger let
me go just in the quick of time
i jumped in a hole as the
menacing claws of marcellus
swiped away at my dusty trail
why me oh lord i moaned
and wailed i tried to do
your will why did i
have to face this hell
just then on the rim of my
hiding hole sat virgil the
praying mantis the most
spiritual creature i know
virgil uttered a few little
phrases but it started
me thinking in mazes
god tests whom he
chooses to bless says he
what does that mean says me
is this how he blesses me my
hiding in a hole from adversity
it s not over yet says he trust me
you ll see remember when jesus
was baptized - god spoke -
gave his approval on his son
then the spirit drove him to
the wilderness - to the other
side of kingdom come
i m sure his situation didn t
look too bright virgil said
but he stayed faithful and
god blessed him alright -
in wisdom power and might
that s right says me that s what
i ll do now how did you say it
that first time through
god tests whom he
chooses to bless says he
so now boss it s just a
matter of faith - trusting
him and running the race