Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Deronda Geddis of Auburn, Wash., announce the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Danielle R. Turner of Clovis, to Kenny J. McKee, of Clovis, son of Kevin and Paula McKee of Susquehanna, Pa.
The couple will exchange vows April 15, 2005 at 6 p.m. at Cannon AFB Chapel.
The reception will be at Doc Stewart Park.
The bride-elect is a 1997 graduate of Great Falls High School, Great Falls, Mont. She is employed at Chaparal Country Club.
The prospective groom is a 1998 graduate of Susquehanna community High School, Susquehanna, Pa. He is employed with the Aerospace Ground Equipment Flight at Cannon AFB Base.
The ceremony and reception are open to friends and relatives.
Rick and D’Lynn Jamerson of Bovina, Texas announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Courtney Jamerson of Canyon, Texas to Judd Fergerson of Amarillo, Texas, son of Janet Fergerson of Amarillo, Texas and Jim Fergerson of Arizona.
The couple will exchange vows March 19, 2005 at 3 p.m. (CT) at First Baptist Church, Bovina, Texas.
The reception will be at Fellowship Hall, First Baptist Church, Bovina.
The bride-elect is attending West Texas A&M University.
She is employed at Home Depot.
The prospective groom is employed at All-Star Dodge.
The ceremony and reception are open to friends and relatives.
Artist of the Month
Leona Hughes has been selected as the Pintores Artist of the Month for March.
She prefers oil, but has worked in pastel, watercolor and ink. Hughes paints mostly for her own enjoyment and learning.
She has participated and shown paintings at the Curry County Fair, Clovis Community College and the Pintores Art League shows. She has been corresponding secretary, recording secretary and treasurer for Pintores Art League over the past five years.
She was raised and lived most of her life in New Mexico. She is a graduate of Vaughn High School, and attended Eastern New Mexico University in Portales. Years later she took classes in Clovis and received an associate of arts degree from ENMU in December 1987. She studied under Bruce DeFoor, Marge Russell, Virginia Gregory, Jon Birdsong, and Bobby Wied.
Josie Sena of Clovis recently recieved the Hispano Round Table Scholarship Award for $1,000 to assist with higher education costs.
She is actively pursuing a masters degree in education with an emphasis in bilingual education and English as a second language at Eastern New Mexico University.
Requirements for the award included being a first year student entering college or graduate school. Applicants must submit letters of recommendation and write a statement on why they think they are qualified to receive the award and how they are an advocate for their community. Candidates are judged on character, personal merit, and commitment demonstrated through various school and community involvement.
Sena has taught elementary education for 25 years focusing on bilingual education and English as a second language. She was active in many programs while completing her undergraduate degrees at Eastern New Mexico University. She recently received awards at the 13th Annual Tribute to Hispano Legislators.
She has many published works that range in works about her ancestry, poetry, and Eastern New Mexico University’s El Portal, to being included in the Windows on the World Anthology.
Sena is employed with Clovis Public Schools.
Joannine and Edward Martinez of Santa Clara, Calif., are the parents of a 7-pound 8-ounce boy. Miles Roman Martinez was born on Feb. 1, 2005, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, Calif.
Grandparents are Joann and Roman Kramasic of Mission Viego, Calif. and Chris and Edward Martinez of Clovis.
Beta Phi
Beta Phi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha Intl. hosted the New Mexico ESA District I meeting on Feb. 12. The District I chairman Mary Ann Vison, Clovis called the meeting to order and the opening ritual was recited by all in attendance.
Chaplain Carman Richard, Clovis read the “Thought for the Day” and secretary Cathy Emery Hobbs read the minutes from the November 2004 District I meeting. Correspondence treasurer Carol Worle from, Carlsbad gave her report.
Parliamentarian June Johnson, Hobbs stated that there were two new by law changes that we will vote on. Our state and district officers were introduced, as well as past state presidents, and past state Outstanding Women.
State Easter Seals chairman Emery, state foundation chairman, Worley, state disaster fund chairman Sarah Reid and Betty Patman state association of art/awards all gave their reports.
Chairman Vinson then read a letter naming the seven Outstanding Woman of New Mexico ESA which included Reid of Hobbs and Gwen Williams of Clovis’ Beta Phi. One of the seven women will be named the State 2005-06 Outstanding Woman of the Year at the ESA New Mexico State Council 58th State Convention to be held in Las Cruces on April 22-24.
Following lunch Carman Richard, Clovis introduced Jessie Strauch who is associated with Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) she gave a very informative program about the DAR and President Abraham Lincoln.
Sgt. at Arms, June Patrick, registration chairmen Collene Baldwin and Georgia Rundell all of Clovis, gave their reports. Concluding the meeting the closing ritual was recited by all.
Modern Woodmen of America
Local children from Modern Woodmen of America recently learned a safer, smarter way of living by exploring a variety of safety and life skills topics. The kids took part in a free program offered by Modern Woodmen of America, a fraternal benefit society.
Modern Woodmen’s Safety and Life Skills Program helps kids prepare for the dangers and stresses that confront them nowadays. Many topics covered, including stranger danger, Internet safety, fire safety and bullying. Each child receives several take-home souvenirs to reinforce the learning.
Reflecting Modern Woodmen’s commitment to the education and safety of America’s kids, the Safety Awareness and Life Skills Program is offered free-of-charge to schools and youth groups nationwide.
Founded in 1883 as a fraternal benefit society, today Modern Woodmen of America offers financial services and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States.
Pleasant Hill Women’s Club
The Pleasant Hill Women’s Club met Feb. 19 for their monthly meeting at the Pleasant Hill Fire Department.
Hostesses were Frances Webb and Jean Thomas. Ham was the main dish with 11 members bringing complimentary dishes.
Sharon Ragland was our demonstrator for our crafts. She showed us how to make Fabric bowls. She also showed us some of her pillow covers and quilts that she is making.
Bertha Kelley presided over the business meeting in the absence of our President Alice Pierce, who has a new grandchild. Lueta Clark did the roll call which was answered by “How did you meet your sweetheart.” She also read the minutes of the last meeting.
Delta Kappa Gamma Zeta
Delta Kappa Gamma Zeta chapter met Feb. 28 at the Family History Library. E.C. Shaeffer presented the program by showing the members the holdings of the library as well as how to access by computer and discs for the retrieval of genealogy information. Questions were asked and some members tried out the different research tools.
President Cheryl Hinrichs, opened the business meeting with the collect. Kristin Stata read the minutes and ask members to answer if they had ever sung the Delta Kappa Gamma song. Anna Marie Kolek gave the treasurer’s report. Patsy Camp has scheduled the speaker, Dr. Les Morrow and the guitar band for the March meeting with Phi, Portales chapter at K Bob’s.
The state meeting plans were finalized and Zeta chapter is to furnish the breakfast on May 1 with sweet rolls, muffins, juice, coffee and fruit to send members homeward. Refreshments of wings, fruit, sandwiches, cake and punch were served to the members by Molly Smith, Anna Kolek, Cindy Landers and Janita Stanfield.
Claud Rainy Day Club
Claud Rainy Day Club met on Feb. 23 in the home of Joan Ewing. Betty Mobley and Sue Pattison were co-hostesses. There were 10 members and five guests in attendance for a delicious pot luck dinner. The guests were the staff from the Extension Office.
After lunch, home economist Glenda Belcher gave an informative program on “Credit Reports.” She stated that each person is entitled to one free credit report a year and explained how to obtain that report, either by going on the Internet or sending in a form which she gave each of the club members.
Belcher also asked for the club members to express their ideas about joining the State Extension Program. This will be brought before all the county clubs for a vote in the near future.
The membership luncheon and the cultural arts exhibits were discussed. This will take place at the extension building April 6 and 7.
Meeting was ended with drawing for door prizes.