Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Cindy and Oscar Lucero of Clovis announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Maria A. Lucero, to Charlie M. Aguirre, son of Charlie and Evelyn Aguirre, also of Clovis.
The bride-elect is a 2001 graduate of Clovis High School. She is a full-time student at Clovis Community College.
The prospective groom is a 2003 graduate of Tucumcari High School. He is employed at the Curry County Adult Detention Center.
The ceremony and reception will be announced later.
Invitations will be sent.
Jesse and Sherry Dominguez are the parents of Ryan Christian, a 6-pound, 15.5-ounce boy born on Sept. 15, 2005 at Plains Regional Medical Center in Clovis.
Ryan has one brother, Jonas, who is 6 years old.
His grandparents are Robert and Bernice Mask, and Isabel Aragon, all of Clovis.
His great-grandparents are William and Alice Sheets of Cheyenne, Wyo., Robert and Dora Maes of Clovis, and William Mask of Portsmouth, Va.
Dana and Richard Poe of Clovis are the parents of a 7-pound, 5-ounce boy, Hayden Ryder, who was born on Sept. 12, 2005, at Plains Regional Medical Center in Clovis.
Grandparents are Dan and Pat Dunnahoe, and Rick and Susan Poe, all of Clovis.
Great-grandparents are Dorothy Zoeller and Ada Poe, both of Clovis, Connie Callaway of Palestine, Texas and Dannetta and Coy Little of Wolforth, Texas.
Jeremy and Melanie Beevers of Clovis are the parents of Erica Nicole, a 6-pound, 15-ounce girl born on Sept. 22, 2005, at PLains Regional Medical Center in Clovis.
Her grandparents are Joel and Jane Finch and Randy and Linda Beevers, all of Clovis.
Her Great-grandparents are Carol Beevers of Logan, Willis and Peggy Vaughn, Melvin and Lavon Crubaugh, all of Clovis, and William and Emma Finch of Una, S.C.
How to Help
An account has been opened to assist 46-year-old David Rush with travel and medical expenses. Rush is currently awaiting a double lung transplant. The account is under the name of Michelle Chadwick at Citizens Bank. Deposits will be accepted at any branch location.
An account has been established at Access Bank for the family of Sergio Delgado Silva to assist with burial expenses.
Club Notes
El Portal DAR
The El Portal Chapter for the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met at 10 a.m. on Oct. 8, 2005, at 955 County Road D in Clovis. Hostesses were Annie Steele, Neva Steele, Bernice Baker and Jessie Strauch. Jessie Strauch presented the program subject, “Bishop’s Castle.”
Wanda Dunn, chapter regent, presided over the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Officer reports included: Dues are due; meetings will be announced in the Clovis and Portales newspapers each month; an El Portal Chapter has been changed from the northeast to the southeast district of the New Mexico DAR.
The topic for the essay contest is “Benjamin Franklin: More Than A Revolutionary.”
Carolyn Thompson and Carol Nash participated in Constitution Week activities in Portales and Clovis schools. Carol was elected honorary chapter regent. Donations were collected to send to the V.A. Hospital in Amarillo.
Members present: Wenonah Hunton, Jane Hilliard, Cori Snobble, Carolyn Lawson, Joyeline Costen, Carolyn Thompson, Claudia Prince, Wanda Dunn, Carol Nash, Jessie Strauch, Annie Steele, Neva Steele, Bernice Baker and prospective member Millie Roach, who attended as a guest.
The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Nov. 12, 2005 at 104 E. 17th St. in Portales.
Kiwanis International
Kiwanis International began its administrative year on Oct. 1, 2005. The event was commemorated in Clovis with the installation of club officers during a banquet at the Clovis Elk’s Club for the El Desayuno Kiwanis Club of Clovis, the Noonday Kiwanis Club of Clovis and the Kiwanis Club of Portales.
El Desayuno installed Dan Stoddard as president, Clark Wilkinson as vice president, Bill Moore as secretary and Don Carter as treasurer. Incoming members of the board were Leslie Duffield, Laurie Johannsen, and James Krake.
Noonday installed Jennifer Kimberly as president, Scott Kilian as president-elect, Elaine Williford as vice president, Jim Cowman as secretary and Gary Young as treasurer. Incoming members of the board were Scott Kilian and Tracy Kimberly.
Portales installed Elwyn Hulett as president, Tony Gennaro as president-elect, Paul Lockman as vice president, Robin Wells as secretary and Steve Kemp as treasurer. Incoming members of the board were Charles Brooks, Bobby Brunson and Milz Bickley.
The officers were installed by Southwest District Division 4 Lt. Gov. Jim Lee of Portales. A past president of the Kiwanis Club of Portales, Lee is responsible for the Kiwanis clubs of Clovis, Hobbs, Lovington, Portales and Tucumcari.
Fairfield Extension
The Fairfield Extension Club met at the extension building on Friday, Oct. 14. Martha Watkins called the meeting to order with Betty Ingram reading the thought for the day. Fourteen members and one guest answered to roll call. Wessie White read the minutes of the previous meeting which was held at Jackie Hinderliter’s home on Sept. 23. Sharon Ragland reminded us that she would plant a garden for next year again. The nominating committee reported those who were interested in the offices that were open. They were voted by acclamation. Martha Watkins continues with the presidency. Marie Wells is vice president, Gail Hinderliter is secretary, Mary Winkles is Treasurer, and Sharon Ragland is reporter.
Sharon Ragland and Jo Mae Priest won the door prizes provided by hostesses Murl Dennington and Wessie White. The calling committee and benevolence committees were put in place for the upcoming year. Our Christmas party will be a luncheon at Cancun Restaurant this year, and we will reveal secret pals at that time. Martha Watkins read parts of our bylaws to help remind us of our commitments to our club. Marie Wells, with the assistance of Wessie White, presented the craft portion of our meeting. We made pipe cleaner candy canes and Christmas trees with bead ornaments. There were many prayer requests for our members and extended families. Our next meeting will be on Oct. 28 at the extension building with Marie Wells and Martha Brister as hostesses. Soup and salad will be the menu of the day, with fabric pumpkins will be the craft of the day.
Pilot Club
The Pilot Club of Clovis met on Oct. 10 at The Fox Run Restaurant for their monthly business meeting. Sylva Compton gave the invocation. After the luncheon, President Dorothy called the meeting to order.
A Christmas party for Monday, Dec. 11 at The Fox Run Restaurant was planned, with a $10 gift limit.
The semiannual Pilot garage sale will be from 7:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Oct. 29 at 181 Sandzen Dr. with lots of items for everyone.
Pilot members delivered meals for the Meals on Wheels program Oct. 10-16.
Club members Dorothy, Valeria and Darlene attended the Fall Council meeting in Albuquerque from Sept. 24 to 26.
It was announced that October was membership month, and Oct. 19 is Founders Day. Carlene McLain will present the program at the next meeting.
The Lifeline Program, which has been run by the Pilot Club of Clovis since its start, will be turned over to Lifeline Inc. in November. The Pilot Club will continue to be involved.
Pecans, mixed nuts and cashews will be sold by club members starting November.
The next meeting is at 11:45 a.m. on Oct. 24 at The Back Door, hosted by Carlene McLain. The program name is Founders Day. Special instructions for members: “Brown bag it.” Information: Janet Barnhart 769-1363.
Altrusa International
Members of Altrusa International, Inc. of Clovis met on Oct. 10 at The Back Door for their regular meeting. Hostesses for the evening were Leticia Zarate, Joanne Winslow, and Margaret Blazek. Pizza and salad were served to the members and special guest Ida Bender from Albuquerque. Bender, who is vice governor for District 10, was on an official visit.
Carolyn Muffley initiated into the club 5 new members: Sandy Turner, Suzanne Funicella, Mary Weigl, Jan Hawkins, and Amber Folk.
A short business meeting was called to order by Kathy Travis, president. A date for the club’s Christmas party was set for Dec. 5.
It was announced that the club will prepare and serve dinner to an insurance group on Dec. 15.
A cover for the Altrusa coloring book was selected. The coloring books will be distributed to all children who attend the Pumpkin Patch at Dillard’s or Wal-Mart on Oct. 22. Each child is to bring three cans of food for the Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico, and will receive a pumpkin and a coloring book in return.
“In the Beginning” baskets were then assembled. These baskets are put together for new mothers and contain a small animal, a book, a baby video, and a lullaby CD for the new baby. The baskets are distributed through the Women’s Clinic.
The next business meeting will be held at The Back Door on Oct. 25 at 12 p.m. Hostesses for the Nov. 14 meeting will be Jennifer Gomez, Nancy Taylor and Carolyn Muffley.