Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Sunday is Mother’s Day. It’s a day to honor mothers. Where would we be without them?
To me, mothers have the whole future of mankind in their hands, and their tasks are many. From babyhood to great-great-grandmothers, they fulfill a great responsibility.
The Bible has a lot to say about mothers. Imagine the heart-wrenching moment for Moses’ mother when she put him in that little basket on the water. Or think about the pain of Jesus’ mother as she witnessed the death of her son.
Who can know a mother’s love? Only a mother can. My great grandmother called it “ Mother’s Investment.” She penned this poem about motherhood in the early 1930s:
“There are many kinds of investments
We see them as we pass along.
But the only one that will stand the test
Is invested in the home.
The Mother spends some sleepless nights,
And some weary, anxious days…
Wondering if she is right about
The investment that really pays.
‘Tis the investment mother makes
That’s not written in bright gold.
But the influence of her life
Her children can behold.
‘Tis sure to pay a dividend
In the lives of her children dear,
As they cherish her from day to day,
And in each coming year.
Six good daughters and four noble sons
Is the investment of my own.
I feel that I’ve chosen wisely
In devoting my life to the home.
With heavy dividends, I have been blessed.
Yet the last has not been paid …
But already, I am amply rewarded
For the sacrifices I have made.”
(by Anne Haseltine Langley Lowe)
If your mother is still here you are blessed. My mother went to heaven in 1991. I still miss her. Those last few days in the hospital were hard. One night I squeezed her hand three times and with each squeeze, I said, “I … love … you!” Mother looked at me and smiled. With a feeble grip, she squeezed back three times.
Those hands I held made many sacrifices for me. I still remember a Christmas doll and clothes made by mother’s hands.
Mother desired a college degree, but she put that aside to educate my brother and me. She exemplified so beautifully Proverbs 31:25-28:
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed.”
Mother knew my every fault, every mistake, every wrongdoing, but she loved me anyway. I’m sure I hurt her feelings, but she loved me anyway. I rejected her wisdom many times, but she loved me anyway.
A friend, comforter, counselor … that describes mothers. Mothers see infinite possibilities in their children. Their children accomplish amazing feats because of mothers’ encouragement. Mothers set the tone of the home by loving, protecting, defending and sacrificing.
Winston Churchill was asked to name the teacher in his life that had the greatest influence upon his life. He answered, “My mother.” How true. Mothers are the first teachers their children have and that shapes their destinies.
We are instructed in Ephesians 6:2 to “honor our father and mother.” Let us give that honor on this special day for mothers. “Give her the reward she has earned; she should be praised in public for what she has done” (Proverbs 31:31 NCV).
I wonder how many people owe their lives to mothers’ and grandmothers’ prayers. A mother doesn’t ask for much. She loves you anyway and she always will.
Mother’s Day has been set aside to honor mothers everywhere. It is a special time to say, “Thank you Mom. I love you!”