Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Superintendent says hiring on schedule

Portales Municipal Schools Superintendent Randy Fowler told the school board at its regular meeting Thursday that hiring of staff was on schedule and looking good overall.

He announced that Mark McAfee has been named athletic director and coaches for the new high school soccer program had been hired and would come on as full-time teacher/coaches.

“I feel good about the positions we’ve filled so far,” Fowler said. “We still have some more to hire.”

Daniel Garcia, of Roswell, has been hired to teach Spanish and coach boys soccer. Traci Sievers, of Portales, has been hired to coach the girls soccer team and teach science.

Fowler said McAfee will continue his duties as Portales High School assistant principal in addition to the athletic director’s position. Principal Melvin Nusser will assist him with his AD duties.

“I really wanted an administrator in that position,” Fowler said, commenting that McAfee was well equipped to do the job.

Board member Mary Lou Rowley asked Fowler how the search to replace band director Brandon Boreo was going.

Fowler said that filling the position was proving to be a challenge but he was recruiting hard and hoped to have someone soon.

“We will get the best we can,” Fowler told Rowley.

In other business the board:

• Awarded the district’s audit contract to Roy Woodard and Associates.

• Approved the 2007-2008 budget, which will be submitted to the state before final approval.

• Awarded the bus contract for the 2007-2008 school year to Dickie Shearer.

• Revised administrative and speech language pathologist salary schedules in line with state-recommended salary increases.

• Revised the district’s purchasing procedures, making them less restrictive than the current procedures but still tighter than the state guidelines.

• Voted to continue the elementary school breakfast program.

• Voted to increase the allotment for student meals for travel from $6 to $10 per meal.

• Approved numerous budget adjustment requests to comply with state guidelines on budgets.

• Approved two temporary, end-of-year cash transfers.

• Awarded a bid for parking lot paving at James and Lindsey schools to Eastwood Construction.