Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Memories of love not soon forgotten

It was a perfect Sunday afternoon for a drive in the country. As we passed familiar farms, I couldn’t help but notice the changes in peoples’ lives.

Some occupants were now gone. Some were left without their mates. Others had simply moved away, leaving an abandoned house. I wondered what stories could be told if houses could talk.

How did they live their lives? Did they leave with regrets? Had they made every day count? Were there words left unsaid? Were there words that should not have been said? Were there missed opportunities to witness and to share the love of Jesus?

I have been accused of coming on too strong in my witness for the Lord, but seeing hope come alive in a person who is burdened down is worth it and that’s a good memory for me.

I read somewhere that husbands who are kissed goodbye each morning have five years added to their life span. What a nice memory for the husband to take to work.

I had students whose faces would light up when they found a note from Mom or Dad in their lunch boxes. That loving memory gave them security.

My students left me many loveable memories plus a child’s heart. I kept a journal all those years and I read it over again many times. I laugh and I cry but they are precious moments in my journey of life and I pray I left good memories with every boy and girl.

I remember my grandfather with such fond memories. Just remembering his kindness to others warms my heart. He allowed farmers to charge gasoline to make their crops. If they had a bad year, he carried the bill himself. “Yes sir, if you know Mr. Farrar he keeps his word,” they said many times. My grandfather left wonderful memories.

I can hear my husband whispering, “I love you” in the still of the night. Our children and grandchildren will long remember his love for me.

Many who knew my Dad will always remember his devoted long care for my ailing mother.

We are given just so many years with the gift of life. How we spend the days are so important. Have we just taken up space or have we made our lives count? Will we leave this world a little better when we take that final flight? Will we have discovered the real secret of living? It is “giving,” not “getting.”

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35 NCV).

I once heard that when you are born, you are crying and everyone else is happy. When God’s child dies he or she is happy and everyone else is crying.

To leave good memories be quick to trust, to justify, to defend, to shield, to persevere, to appreciate, to give, to forgive, to help and above all … quick to love.

Everyone needs acceptance, affection, appreciation and approval. Receiving these concepts leaves a happy memory. Children flourish with them … and so do grownups!

Today is the day to leave good memories with those you love and those you meet.

Take your heart with you in everything you do and say. Spreading sunshine will bring many memorable blessings. Good memories are like photos in our hearts.

Make a difference in someone’s life today. Let’s so live that we will be missed when we leave this earth. Embrace those heavenly special moments and more will come to you. It’s all about leaving a good memory. It’s a decision we make.

“Good people will be remembered as a blessing, but evil people will soon be forgotten” (Proverbs 190:7 NCV).

How will we be remembered?