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American Legion granted extension on fire code

City commissioners granted the American Legion Post 117 a six-month extension to comply with a city fire code regarding the installation of a fire hydrant.

City commissioners said during Thursday’s meeting the non-profit organization for military veterans can open its new post at 2800 W. Grand Ave. next week as long as it signs a contract with New Mexico American Water to install a hydrant within six months.

The facility replaces the organization’s former post that burned down in 2004.

Post Commander David Jackson said the organization was not notified until the completion of construction of its post that a city fire code requires new construction projects to have a fire hydrant within 400 feet.

Jackson said the estimated cost to install a fire hydrant is about $12,000.

“We don’t have $12,000, if we can get a waiver until we can generate some funds we’d appreciate it,” he said.

Fire Marshal Alan Silvers said the architect and contractor for the project were notified before the construction that the hydrant was required.

In other business:

• Commissioners approved a resolution authorizing accepting a $200,000 grant from the State Environment Department for an effluent reuse project.

• Commissioners approved an Employee Compensation Review Task Force recommendation that it was best to let the city commission adjust employee salaries and benefits.

The task force consisted of 14 representatives of city departments and one city commissioner.