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Clovis Christian seniors graduate

A teary-eyed Amanda Riley said sometimes unanswered prayers are a good thing.

The 2008 Clovis Christian School class salutatorian said her unsuccessful attempt at graduating early last year was a blessing because she was able to get better acquainted with her classmates.

“The unity of this class is irreplaceable,” she said to the more than 250 people that attended the graduation ceremony Friday in the school’s chapel.

She said the class of 17 students would rally around each other and would often pray together in the school’s band room.

She said she felt the graduation ceremony was an official “goodbye” to her classmates as they go their separate ways.

Other members of the 14th graduating class of Clovis Christian shared their memories of their years together.

“I am proud that though we have had disagreements, we were able to work through them,” said Cristen Wofford, the class valedictorian, as she held up signs that gave the audience directions on how to react. “We have learned valuable lessons in the importance of compromise and communication.”

Keeson Bell sang “Our Class,” a song he wrote that described the good and bad times the class experienced.

“I don’t know how these years went by so fast, (I’m) just glad I could be a part of our class,” he sang. “So thanks for the memories.”

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