Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Thanksgiving is a time to remember that God is the author of all blessings.
I know from experience that even the smallest little happening in a day can be the result of a holy God watching out after me and meeting my needs at the time. He works out the biggest events and the smallest details of our lives. Some days when difficult situations arise in my life and it is hard to trust, I look at the examples of the Bible characters and realize God has been working through the centuries. They were thankful for God’s help.
• Abraham and Sarah were thankful that God blessed them with a child when they were old.
• Noah was thankful that God saved his family from the devastating flood.
• Jacob was thankful when years later he got to see his lost son Joseph, and Joseph was thankful that he could take in all his brothers and their families during the famine in Egypt.
• Rahab was thankful that the Israelite spies made a way for her to escape Jericho.
• Hannah was thankful that God after many years gave her a son.
• Gideon was thankful that God used his little army of a mere 300 to defeat the Midianites, who was going to attack the Israelites.
• David was thankful that God forgave him of his grave sin.
• Daniel was thankful that God brought him out unharmed from the lions’ den.
• Jonah was thankful that even though he did not want to initially follow God, God rescued him from the whale and Jonah went on to do the work of God.
• Mary was thankful that she was chosen to be the mother of