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Leo Garcia, 29, spends time with his family and said he loves his job at the city of Clovis’ landfill. For him, what makes the job is the people around him.
Second family: I love my job because of the people around me. My boss is one of my best friends. We all know each other and we do the job perfect. There’s no bickering, no fighting. Everyone knows what to do and they’re doing it.
Young love: My wife and I met 11 years ago. I was 17 and she was 23. We got married two years later. At first I was a little punk. I didn’t know how to act. She matured me. Our nine-year anniversary is this weekend.
Bad news: In January of this year, my wife was diagnosed with leukemia. The doctors caught it early so she doesn’t have to go through chemo, she just has to take a pill. Now she’s almost in remission.
Destiny child: My wife and I wanted to have three kids. My wife has had three miscarriages and a tubular pregnancy. Nothing worked. Then she got pregnant with our daughter and we named her Destiny because we knew once we had her she was our destiny.
Family time: Because of my wife’s health issues, we make sure to spend as much time together as possible. We don’t even have to do anything. We just make sure we’re together.
Christmas in November: My wife has already decorated for Christmas. She wanted to put up the tree three weeks ago. This year, we’re spending Thanksgiving at our house with just the three of us.
Family of Steelers fans: I’ve been a (Pittsburgh) Steelers fan since I was born. I was raised in a Steelers’ home. My dad has been a fan forever. Last year, I got my dad and I tickets to a game in Denver. It was like a movie. We got seats in the end zone. But then the Steelers lost by three. But it was Sunday night football so it was amazing.
— Compiled by CNJ staff writer Liliana Castillo