Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
amos the churchmouse:
a view from under the pew
Editor’s note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hopping on the computer keyboard, but he can’t operate the capital shift keys, and he shuns punctuation marks – except dashes and hyphens.
the faith dream
boss i had a strange dream the
other night it had to do with
what faith really means
in the dream i was walking
through a setting of beautiful
woods and meadows until i
came to an extremely deep chasm
both edges of the chasm fell
away sharply straight down
for hundreds of feet
boss i wanted desperately to
cross over to the lush verdant
beauty on the other side but no
bridge was anywhere to be found
as i was standing there on the
chasm s edge contemplating
what to do the word of the lord
came into my consciousness
cross over to the other side
says god to me
but lord there s no bridge
you start walking across and i
will provide the bridge says he
wait a minute lord says me
you build the bridge and then
i ll cross over how about that
no the answer came
you take a step over the edge
and i ll put down a plank for you
but lord i can t do that
do you want to obey me
yes lord but -
do you want my best that i
have prepared for you
yes lord
take a step over the edge
but lord -
do you believe that i can -
and will - do what i said
yes lord
then take the step
all right lord
so boss in fear and trembling i
poised my mousy self over the
edge of the chasm lifted my
front paw and dangled it
out into the thin air
just for a moment i hesitated
and then summoning every
ounce of whatever will was
within me based on my faith
in his word i brought my little
foot down over the edge of that
frightening chasm
and boss you won t believe it
but a plank suddenly
materialized right under my
paw - exclamation point here
oh god i m so glad you did that
says me gratefully
take another step
that s what i thought you said
says me but listen lord there s
only one plank out there and
it doesn t have enough room
on it for my other foot
take another step
all right lord
but boss it was tough i put my
weight on the plank very slowly
brought up my other little foot
and lowered it into the air over
the chasm