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Trends taking hold in America

Two powerful intellectual developments are ruining America.

One is egalitarianism, the other pragmatism.

The former is an effort at the highest levels of American education, at institutions such as Harvard University and the University of Chicago, for example, to help establish a regime or political system that has as its firm and unrelenting goal to make all people equal in the benefits and burdens they enjoy and shoulder in their lives — economic, educational, medical, psychological, etc.

The clarion call of this movement is to demand government mandated fairness for everyone.

The latter, pragmatism, is also being promulgated at some of the most prominent and prestigious institutions of higher education. This is a broad philosophical school of thought, originally forged on American soil by the likes of Charles Peirce, William James, C. I. Lewis, John Dewey, and numerous others, including the most radical member of the school, the later Richard Rorty. It insists that no basic principles can be identified in any area of human concern, not in ethics, not politics, not even metaphysics or theory of knowledge).

Instead of finding basic principles on which to rest one’s reasoning and actions — in morality or law, for instance — an attitude of practical expediency is all that human beings can hope for.

“Whatever works,” is the simplified motto of pragmatism but there is a big problem with this, since things work always with respect to some goal and certain goals are clearly not worth pursuing.

Pragmatism insists, however, that there is no way to tell which goals are important, which are trivial and which are out and out insidious.

Both egalitarianism and pragmatism tend to unleash an army of government regulators upon members of society, in the effort to cut everyone down to the same size and achieve goals the leaders believe need to be achieved, respectively. But both of these outlooks are hopeless, futile and must produce confusion and the tyranny of some people over others.

As a result, the egalitarian objectives will mostly turn out exactly as George Orwell indicated in his novella, “Animal Farm,” namely, a group of members of society will be running the show and thus defeat the very idea of equality among human beings.

And given how unprincipled conduct also encourages the rise of elites and petty tyrants, pragmatism also produces very bad public policies.

Moreover, the pragmatist agenda flies directly in the face of some of the most noble aspects of the American political tradition, namely, the rule of law and the Founders’ declaration of the vital need for basic principles, such as individual human rights within the legal system.

What might be put in oppositions to these two clearly dangerous movements so widely embraced by elite public philosophers?

A renewed commitment to the American Founders’ idea that human beings all have basic rights — in this respect they are indeed equal — and the most vital public good or purpose is the protection of their basic rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, etc.

Unfortunately the education of American students is mostly in the hands of those who embrace both egalitarianism and pragmatism, so it isn’t going to be easy to rekindle the commitment to the Founders’ ideas and ideals.

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