Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Have you ever considered the fact that you yourself are a miracle?
The tiny microscopic cell contains your physical characteristics, talents, abilities and personality. I find that amazing.
If you ever doubt how valuable you are, read Psalm 139:13-16: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.” (NIV)
I believe our destinies are determined by God’s plan for our lives. I believe God will move heaven and earth to fulfill his plan for you and me.
The Bible is filled with miracles. From the parting of the Red Sea to the crucifixion, God’s mercy is still extended to wayward souls. From the cradle to the grave, our growth, development, friends, family, healing and salvation are all individual miracles in our lives.
It may seem that your life is humdrum and non-eventful, but God works in his own quiet way, performing simple everyday miracles in your life and mine.
Some say, “If I could only see a miracle, I would believe,” yet blessings and miracles of everyday life go unnoticed.
My husband wanted to paint a windmill that no one ever sees except the coyotes in his pasture.
“Why would you waste all that time and paint? Who would ever see it?”
“God,” he answered. “Just to thank him for the miracle of water in a dry place. To thank him for clean pure water to drink, not just for us, but for wildlife, even coyotes.”
I thanked God that day for my husband’s tenderness, but more than that, I thanked God for his “Living Water” for the obedient child.
The paralytic in the fifth chapter of John had not walked for 38 years. Jesus healed him. The Jewish leaders were focusing on the broken rule of healing on the Sabbath, not the healing for the hurting person. This reminds me to not lose my focus on the truly important things of my daily living.
God puts stars in place, and they move with exact precision. If planet earth were just a few degrees closer to the sun, everything would burn up, and a few degrees further from the sun, everything would freeze. The axis is tilted so there is equal distribution of the sun, making the food chain possible. I believe where there is a design, there is a designer. I also believe there is a void in the human heart, a vacuum that only God can fill.
God demonstrates his power in everyday life. The healing power of medicine, a miracle of discovering cures for diseases, food produced from rich brown earth, pure clean water from mountain streams, clean air, bodies that can walk, work, see, hear, taste and smell … Are these not everyday great miracles in our lives?
As wonderful as these gifts are, the greatest miracle of all is salvation, the miracle of eternal life through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Be watchful and thankful for everyday miracles. They are gifts from a loving God. That makes you and I pretty special.