Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

God has given us a brand new year

There seems to be a universal desensitizing to sin. Year after year, it seems just a little more. A constant portrayal of sin on TV and movies leave the impression that sin is the norm! As for us, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11 KJV).

Our nation is at a serious crossroad. We are told in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.” Please pray for a sweeping revival across our land. I beg for you to pray that America will return to the country that was envisioned by our forefathers. Let us pray for godliness for our land.

We must guard our hearts, minds and attitudes at all cost because attitudes lead to action. That action can be positive or negative big time. Reacting negatively leads to desensitization when we are in the heat of a battle.

God’s truth is the absolute. This truth is the standard. This is how we judge right and wrong in every situation. We need godly wisdom in all of our decision-making. The world’s financial system is only one of many problems in the sojourn on this earth. Yet the greatest news of all is guidance from our Maker. To have a heart of peace, let’s follow his guidance.

The fast pace at which we live leaves little time for spiritual things. The things that mean the most are sometimes left out or slighted. We all have an appointment with destiny. We can only do this one day at a time. Let us keep our priorities straight and really make our time meaningful for lasting values. Each day has time for Jesus, family and friends. Make this year one of joy and peace.

The Word of God will keep us calm on troubled seas. His Word will pick us up out of despair and enable us to soar like an eagle. This world and everything in it, including all the material things we have worked so hard to accumulate, will pass away. God’s Word will never pass away. It ministers hope in the darkest night.

Let us enter the New Year with hope. This brand new year has not been lived before. Let us make it the best. Let’s start this News Year by resolving to:

Be happy with your time on earth.

Forgive those who have hurt you.

Smile, laugh and spread sunshine.

Set no wicked thing before your eyes.

Refrain from criticizing and finding fault.

See every person as one of great worth.

Encourage, exhort and help those in pain.

Bury the past, for you are a new creature.

Pray, study and hide the Word in your heart.

Praise God and receive every new day as a gift.

Leave a loving memory in the lives of other people.

Treat everyone as if this might be the very last goodbye.

Look at more blue skies, rainbows, snowflakes and roses.

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” (Joshua 1:9 KJV).

Happy New Year, and may it be the best one yet!

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