Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

a view from under the pew: amos seeks st valentine

amos the churchmouse:

a view from under the pew

Editor’s note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hopping on the computer keyboard, but he can’t operate the capital shift, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes.

amos seeks st valentine

boss i realize that it will

soon be valentine s day

but the other day i wanted

to find out more about that

weird holiday and why people

do such strange things in

such peculiar ways

i ran across a couple of

old discarded encyclopedias

but they only confused me

most people believe that

valentine s day was

connected to a saint by

that same name

but boss history records

only two saints by that

name and both had their

heads chopped off

to me that sounds like an

awful sad love story - and

has almost nothing to do

with valentine cards red

hearts wild roses or

chocolate-covered cherries

so boss i decided to hunt

up willifred the white rat -

you remember willifred boss -

he was a mad scientist s

experimental mouse before

his conversion - anyway he

invented a miniature time

machine for the church pew

underworld - he calls it the

tiny time traveler and it

fits into any regular model

motorized matchbox such as

my 57 cheeserolet

at any rate boss i jumped

into willifred s tiny time

traveler and went searching

through time for that shadowy

st valentine

i landed somewhere in the

middle of the 200s smack dab

in the catacombs under the

city of rome