Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Clovis resident Tina Vassar enjoys working with children

Liliana Castillo: Freedom New Mexico Tina Vassar has worked for the Clovis Municipal Schools for 12 years.

Clovis resident Tina Vassar has two jobs. One as the Clovis High School principal administrative assistant and another as a children’s director at Highland Baptist Church with her husband. The second she doesn’t even consider work.

At both jobs, Vassar helps people and she enjoys being able to help people every day.

Vassar said she serves because that is what followers of Christ are called to do.

“I believe God has led me to work with kids,” she said. “My goal is to reach kids with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve him which is part of the AWANA pledge, a program we use at Highland.”

Vassar said she enjoys working with children and getting to know them.

“I enjoy watching them grow and it is always cool when they eventually come here to the CHS campus and I see them again as teens,” Vassar said.