Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes —

Portales Woman’s Club

Portales Woman’s Club met Dec. 9th with Second Vice President Beth Davis presiding. The Collect and pledges were led by Sheryl Borden and Julie Nickles gave the invocation.

The minutes from the November meeting were approved and the treasurer’s report was filed. A thank you letter was read from Mayor Sharon King for the club’s participation in the lighting of the Blessing Tree, and a Christmas card was read from the City of Portales.

Gaynelle Thomas presented a donation of socks to the Hartley House. Lois Crozier made a special presentation in honor of Jane Mauk Hilliard, whose picture will hang in the club building.

The board approved providing cookies for the Santa Cop distribution on Dec. 17.

Following the close of the business meeting, Jan Smartnick introduced Franklin Smith, director of the Portales High School Choir, whose members sang Christmas carols.

The next meeting will be on Jan. 11.

— Submitted by

Sheryl Borden Beta Phi

Seven members and one guest attended the annual Beta Phi meeting Dec. 7 at Church of God on Lea St. Bev Miller was the hostess. We voted to send a donation to Make a Wish in Clovis.

We had sandwiches, bean dip, salsa, cantaloupe, water melon, strawberries and drinks.

College Baldwin, Sandy Friday, Laura Loflin, Patsy Lorenz, Bev Miller, Suzy Moore, Rebecca Rael and Rachel Wallace were in attendance.

— Submitted by Bev Miller

Encanto Garden Club

Encanto Garden Club’s annual Christmas brunch was held recently in the home of Jacque Wuest. After a brief business meeting the group enjoyed an array of holiday foods.

President Helen Martinez introduced the members to some new and entertaining Christmas games.

The group departed Jacque’s beautifully decorated home after gifts were exchanged and the blessings of Christmas were expressed.

— Submitted by B. Voges