Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Local area legislators have introduced 14 new bills since Jan. 26. The deadline for filing legistlation was Feb. 1. House and Senate bill progress has been updated to reflect information available 5 p.m. Monday.
Clinton D. Harden (R) District 7
SB 55
Assigns the regulatory responsibilities for manufactured housing to the construction industries division of the regulation and licensing department
Status: Referred to the Senate Rules Committee
SB 72
Provides for the notification to a law enforcement authority of boating accidents.
Status: Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee
SB 162
Jan. 23
Increases the maximum case load of probation and parole officers working in intensive supervision programs from 20 to 40 offenders.
Status: Referred to the House calendar.
SB 211 (with Rhonda King)
Jan. 25
Prohibits intoxication for people under 21 and notes exceptions.
Status: In the House Judiciary Committee.
SB 176
Jan. 24
Expands the purpose of the Corrections Department intensive supervision fund.
Status: In the State Judiciary Committee.
SB 226
Jan. 26
Provides a deduction from gross receipts taxes for dyed fuel.
Status: In the Senate Finance Committee.
SM 78
Feb. 9
Declared Feb. 9, 2012 Future Farmers of America Day in the Senate.
Status: Passed in the Senate 43 to 0. Awaiting House approval.
Stuart Ingle (R) District 27
SB 56
Jan. 13
Eliminates distance limits and provides special permits for hay transportation.
Status: Passed in the House 69 to 0 and in the Senate 38 to 0. Awaiting enrollment and signing.
SB 83
Jan. 19
Requires state agencies to submit five-year facilities master plans.
Status: Passed the Senate 37 to 0; now in the House Taxation and Revenue Committee.
SB 150
Jan. 23
Amends the educational retirement act by changing the cost of living adjustment and age of service requirements.
Status: Passed the Senate 30 to 12; now in the House Education Committee.
SB 227
Jan. 26
Appropriates $50,000 for nursing scholarships and $50,000 for nursing program support at Eastern New Mexico University.
Status: In the Senate Finance Committee
SB 274
Jan. 30
Reduces pensions for non-vested members of the Public Employees Retirement Association.
Status: In the Senate Public Affairs Committee
SB 275
Requires a refund policy for assisted living facilities when residents die.
Status: Passed the Senate 38 to 0; now goes to the House for consideration.
SB 276
Addresses manufacturing property gross receipts.
Status: In the Senate Finance Committee
Gay G. Kernan (R) District 42
SB 180
Jan. 24
Increases the prison sentence for a non-capital felony if a person 60 or older is injured.
Status: In the Senate Judiciary Committee.
SB 187
Jan. 24
Eliminates the office of the Child Development Board and assigns oversight and funding of preschool programs to the Children Youth and Families Department.
Status: Passed 37 to 0 in the Senate and 65 to 0 in the House. Awaiting enrollment and signing.
SB 269
Jan. 30
Appropriates $200,000 for the school leadership institute program.
Status: In the Senate Finance Committee
SJM 52
Feb. 12
Proposes the placement of a historic women's marker at the state capitol.
Status: Resolution has been tabled for later consideration.
House bills introduced:
Anna M. Crook (R) District 64
HB 55
An emergency measure that appropriates $1 million dollars from the public project revolving fund to the local government planning fund for the fiscal year 2012.
Status: Passed the House 61to 0; now in the Senate Finance Committee.
HB 57
Clarifies the Community Development Incentive Act, relating to the sale-leaseback financing of assets for commercial solar electricity generation.
Status: In the House Judiciary Committee
HB 320
Addresses DWI probation and interlocks.
Status: In the House Rules and Order of Business Commmittee.
George Dodge (D) District 63
HB 227
Jan. 26
Appropriates $250,000 for services to indigent and homeless veterans.
Status: In the House Appropriations and Finance Committee
HM 46
Feb. 1
Addresses emergency water supplies.
Status: In the House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee.
Dennis J. Roch (R) District 67
HB 56
Creates the crimes of homicide by boat and great bodily harm by boat, and provides penalties.
Status: Passed the House 64 to 1; now in the Senate State Judiciary Committee.
HB 81
Jan. 18
An emergency measure which appropriates $800,000 from the general fund to ENMU to fund career and technical student programs.
Status: In the House Appropriations and Finance Committee.
HB 161 (co-authored with Howie C. Morales)
Jan. 24
Amends the school athletics equity act.
Status: Passed the house 57 to 9; now in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
HB 162
Jan. 24
Creates the Armed Forces Retirement Tax Credit.
Status: Scheduled for consideration in the House.
New legislation proposed
HB 249
Jan. 27
A teacher and school leader effectiveness act.
Status: In the House Labor and Human Resources Committee.
Bob Wooley (R) District 66
No legislation introduced