Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Mayor stresses importance of economic development

CNJ staff photo: Tony Bullocks Clovis Mayor Gayla Brumfield speaks at Thursday's press conference held at the Clovis-Carver Public Library north annex.

Mayor Gayla Brumfield said she called a press conference Thursday to stress the importance of economic development for Clovis.

The mayor also highlighted recent federal and state appropriations for the Ute pipeline project and addressed rental housing shortages in her half-hour speech before a crowd of about 40.

Brumfield said a private developer from Arizona has been working with the Federal Housing Administration to obtain financing for a proposed apartment complex near the Raintree housing edition in north Clovis. Brumfield said the proposed complex is needed to provide rental housing for Cannon Air Force Base families. Though the financing has not been finalized, Brumfield said at this point, she is optimistic.

In addition to the $1.978 million designated for the Ute pipeline in the 2013 federal budget and $1 million from the Bureau of Reclamation, Brumfield said the state has appropriated $230,000 to the pipeline, bringing project commitments to around $3 million.

“Along with the chamber of commerce, Clovis Industrial Development Corp., and the city commission we have developed a very pro-business environment,” the mayor said.

She said quality of life improvements such as the new dog park, city golf course, splash park, walking trails and renovation of the Youth Recreation Building are important elements of attracting new businesses and economic growth to Clovis.

“You need new jobs coming into the area to keep the economy growing and vibrant,” Brumfield said.

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