Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Letter to the editor: City needs conservative leadership

In the final days leading to the mayoral and city commission election, I'd like to take a moment to remind the citizens of Clovis about an important vote they cast last year to defeat the insidious Affordable Housing Plan the mayor and her minions on the City Commi-ssion tried to shove down their throats.

When you go to the polls on March 6, remember that Randy Crowder was the only dissenting vote on the city commission regarding the Affordable Housing Plan. His admirable action set in motion the chain of events that led to your glorious defeat of this monstrosity.

Remember, also, that Rube Render was instrumental in helping to enlighten the local citizenry about the many devastating effects of the Affordable Housing Plan — most specifically, the abrogation of private property rights.

Clovis needs conservative, common-sense leadership in its city government. I urge everyone in their districts to vote for Randy Crowder and Rube Render.

Further, a vote for David Lansford for mayor will ensure an end to the tyranny of the present mayor, who believes she knows better than you what's good for you.

Do not go quietly into the night. Get out and vote.

Glenda Bly


Elliott dedicated to community

I would like to express my support for Jan Elliott's candidacy for the Clovis city commission District One.

I have known Jan several years and have come to highly admire her passion for community service.

As former state representative for District 63, I had the opportunity to work with Jan on several legislative bills. Over two separate legislative sessions Jan fought fiercely and tirelessly for the development of a stable funding mechanism for rural emergency medical services.

She has made a positive name for herself as a hardworking and knowledgeable person.

Jan loves her community and is dedicated to making Clovis and the entire state of New Mexico a better place in which to live.

She is a passionate advocate for improving the health, public safety and quality of life of her community.

She knows that a strong infrastructure, including good schools, clean water, safe parks, and well-maintained roads, serves as the underpinning of a healthy happy community.

Jan understands that education and workforce development are instrumental in developing a strong economy, better paying jobs, and an energetic empowered community.

Under her leadership, the EMS Region III has continued to provide valuable support, educational resources and training opportunities for EMS organizations and EMTs throughout the state.

This organization is a model for other community-based not-for-profit entities throughout New Mexico.

Leadership and teamwork are two qualities that are necessary for a public servant to succeed. Jan has them both in good measure.

The continuous success of the annual EMS conference in Ruidoso is a testament to Jan's organizational and leadership skills, and proof that Jan works well with others to make good things happen.

I urge you to vote for Jan Elliott for Clovis city commission District One.

Jose Campos

Santa Rosa