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Profiteering cuckoos still run baseball

Major League Baseball purists may be mad about the designated hitters, the stadiums with retractable roofs and World Series played in November, but at least one thing never seems to change about the game:

The people who run it are PC — profiteering cuckoos.

ESPN reports MLB decided this week the Houston Astros can celebrate their humble beginnings 50 years ago as the Colt .45s, so long as the gun’s image does not appear on their throwback jerseys.

Yes, the Atlanta Braves have a tomahawk logo; Milwaukee’s team mascot celebrates the makers of alcoholic malt beverages; and Pittsburgh glamorizes marauding predators of the high seas ... but MLB must practice gun control in Texas.

ESPN reported baseball executives required the image of the smoking Colt .45 be removed from the retro jerseys Houston plans to wear twice this season.

Seems baseball wouldn’t want to offend anybody who’s offended by guns.

The inconsistency and general weirdness is not surprising, at least not for baseball.

n Remember, this is the sport that didn’t notice when middle infielders’ nicknames changed from “Stick” to “’Roid” overnight.

It must have been all the fans in the stands blocking executives’ views of the Popeye arms.

But historically, they’ve had no hesitation blacklisting players for lifestyles they decided were not in the best interests of baseball.

Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays were booted for promoting casinos, for example.

n Remember, this is the sport that has different rules for different leagues but insists on interleague matchups during the regular season.

n And now it’s OK for the New York Yankees to honor “Murderers’ Row” with a video on, but Houston’s franchise cannot pay homage to its history, apparently because a tool that kept rattlesnakes and bandits from harming innocents on the prairie bothers some people.

Of course baseball’s executives can do whatever they want without fans’ support — pretty much their arrogant, elitist policy since a 1922 Supreme Court ruling held the sport’s not subject to federal laws that apply to most for-profit businesses.

But remember fans can do whatever they want as well.

We’d love to see gun and Constitutional activists join baseball fans by the millions in showing up outside Major League stadiums this summer.

They could all wear replica Colt .45 jerseys — complete with smoking gun — and not buy a ticket.

Let ’em play ball without any fans and see how long PC remains in the best interests of baseball.